[Dec/2022-Archive-Feb/2022 | Personal] Peak Mind


  • Importance of Attention
    • Depleted / Hijacked / Fragmented / Disconnected Attention
  • What’s degrading attention
    • Mental Time Travel – more so under stress
      • Rumination in past / Worry about future (away from present)
    • Mindfulness training

Chap 1

  • Working memory
  • Different kinds of attention
    • Flashlight – orienting system, narrow & focused
    • Floodlight – alerting system, broad and open
    • Juggler – central executive : direct/oversee/manage

Chap 2

  • Attentional Hijacking
  • When our attention is deployed
    • Familiarity
    • Salience – image that has “LOOK AT ME” looking
    • Our own goal
  • Three major force that degrade attention
    • Stress – eustress vs. distress
    • Poor mood
    • Threat – no focus/flashlight instead becomes stimulus-driven

Chap 3

Chap 4

  • Load Theory
  • Single task not multi-task

Chap 5

  • Working memory
  • Working Memory and Three Subsystems of Attention
    • Flashlight – vulnerable to bait & switch
    • Floodlight – roadblock
    • Juggler – ball drop
  • Percentual decoupling

Chap 6

Chap 7

Chap 8

Chap 9

Chap 10


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