[Dec/2022-Archive-Jun/2022 | Marketing] Made to Stick


  • Example – kidney heist tale – this is a story that sticks
  • Nurture idea so it sticks
  • Example – popcorn unhealthy, with 37 grams of saturated fat, compare it against (a lot of food – bacon+egg, big mac+fries + Steak dinner), also call “saturated fat” – “artery clogging fat”
    • Also visuals
  • Six principles of sticky ideas
    • Principle 1 – Simplicity
      • Ten points will be forgotten, one profound point is better
    • Principle 2 – Unexpectedness
      • Suprirse first, then interest+curiosity
    • Principle 3 – Concreteness
      • Concrete Image: Ice-filled bathtubs
    • Principle 4 – Credibility
      • Either has authority or let idea has its own credential (Ronald Reagon – “ask yourself if you’re better off than you were four years ago)
    • Principle 5 – Emotions
      • Ppl more likely to donate to single individual than a group of ppl 
    • Principle 6 – Stories
  • Natural tendency against sticky idea – “curse of knowledge” 
  • Example – JFK: “put a man on the moon and get him back safely by the end of decade”
  • Successful Ad Template
    • Extreme Consequences (Unexpectedness) – car stereo system moves the bridge / loose lips sink ships

Chap1 – Simple

  • Commander’s intent (CI) analogy
    • You cannot have “five most important goals”
  • Finding the core
  • Southwest Airline
    • “The Lowfare Airline” – capture the spirit
  • Newspaper – inverted pyramid structure
    • No matter reader’s attention span, they would get some info
    • Unlike dramatic story with crazy payoff only at the end
    • Give ppl what they want fast
  • Bill Clinton’s Campaign in 1992 – sticky ideas
    • “It’s the economy – Stupid”
  • Make the most important msg first 
  • Example – local newspaper publisher get “local focus” to stick (Dunn Daily Record)
    • Names,names,names
  • “A bird in hand” proverb is an sticky idea
  • Feature-creep
  • Schema – “default impression”
    • i.e. schema: “great new sports car”
  • Accuracy vs. Accessibility
    • i.e. “maximize shareholder value” vs. “THE low-fare airline”
    • Analogy is good way to avoid useless accuracy
    • Example: “high concept movie pitch” (for investors, very risky to invest in movie)
  • Generative Metaphor: some new perspectives
    • Example: Disney – “Cast Member”
    • Counter-example: Subway – “Sandwich Artist”
      • A lot of individual expression (not helpful for business!!)

Chap2 Unexpected

  • Example: airline announcement for safety
  • How to get people’s attention and keep it?
    • Surprise – get attention
    • Interest – keep attention
  • Exaple: Enclave minivan 
  • Our schema – guessing machine
  • Core Msg + Counterintuitive part of msg + break the guessing machine
  • Nordstrom
    • Wrap a gift from Macy’s – unexpected
  • What creates interest – gap theory
    • Create gap
    • Make sure gap is reasonably sized (not abyss)
  • Sony’s pocket sized radio & JFK’s moon landing

Chap3 Concrete

  • Example: The Natural Conservatory avoid trap of abstraction – from 2 million acres per year into tangiable landscapes
  • Concrete: you can examine using your senses
    • I.e. teach math with “compute in context”
  • Concrete makes it memorable
  • Memory is not a single filing cabinet, different memory summon is different region’s brain activity
  • Novice see concrete, Expert see the abstract pattern (bishop moving diagonally vs. chess strategy)
  • Curse of knowledge -> need to “dumb things down”
  • Kaplan’s pitch of “notepad sized personal computer” – concreteness
    • Concreteness that makes the VC brainstorm themselves and end up investing
  • Example: saddleback church and their “target demographic – personalized” called “Saddleback Sam”

Chap4 Credible

  • Ulcer story, scientists not believed until a decade later
  • Two kinds of authority: Expert + Celebrity
  • AntiAuthority – i.e. Smoking victim
  • Internal credibility vs. External authority – internal credibility -> i.e. Urban Legend
    • Ample detail lends credibility to idea + person
    • Level of details matter in jury experiment
  • Statistics – presented in a new way
    • Stats as input not output
  • Human-Scale Principle
    • Distance from LA to NY instead of distance from Sun to Earth
  • Sinatra test – if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere
    • India “Safe Deliver” delivers movies / harry potter books on time
  • Testable credential – “see for yourself, are you better off than you were four years ago?”
    • Other people’s story of being fooled vs. being fooled yourself

Chap5 Emotional

  • Giving stats making people in more analytical (less emotional) frame of mind, less donations
  • Truth Campaign – (anti-tabacco) anti-authority emotion of teens
  • Direct Mail Copywriter – target self-interest
    • Imagine yourself doing something – also appeal to self-interest
  • People tend to think others live in Maslow’s basement while themselves live in the penthouse lol
    • Cook for Iraq Army, for example, aim for “transcendence” – in charge of army morale
    • Sometimes self-interest helps, sometimes it backfires

Chap6 Stories

  • Story of nurse saving baby by her “experience”
  • Story will cause mind to “simulate”
    • Simulation is the same area as “actual physical action in brain”
    • Mental practice alone gives 2/3 benefit of physical practice
  • Subway story (that make people less fat) went viral
  • Spotting the story instead of creating it
  • Structure of story (plots like challenger/connection/Creativity)
    • Fun: Good Samaritan’s historical context is the hostility between Jews and Samaritan at the time
    • Familiarize with old story, to better spot new story with potential
  • Springboard – a story about possibilities

Epilogue What Sticks

  • Symptoms -> Tactics
    • Getting Attention -> Surprise (initial) / curiosity gap (long term – stick till end attention) 
    • People understand & remember -> concrete & simpler
    • Make people believe / agree -> more detail, fewer authority/more anti-authority. Meaningful example, sinatra test. 
    • People don’t care (apathetic) -> individual not abstraction, tap into identity. More profound level (Maslow) of self-interest
    • People not acting -> Challenger plot / Springboard / Simple+proverb

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