总评 – Yet another personality classification – 3.5/5.
Beyond the book – correlation between enneagram & MBTI:

Type-1 Doing the right thing is the right thing
- The Reformer: Achieve good result with good ethics. Moral white-knight, everyone should follow the social rule, clear criteria of good vs. bad. Tendency to micro-manage.
- Early in life, one have pressure to things “the right way” or criticized for not, develop a external critical voice of good vs. bad.
- When manager is one : good intention
- When subordinate is one : project their own inner critic onto you (the boss), too detail oriented, respect chain of command/rules, work hard;
- Better work with one : compassion for their perfectionism, deliver criticism gently
Type-2 The power of pleasing people
- The Helper/Giver: Wants to be liked and appear likeable. Empathetic, focus on “people” side of work / relationship-focused, sensitive of other people’s feelings, very productive if likes co-workers. Shapeshifting nature: Subconsciously make their presentation to what they think people want/need them to be.
- Early in life, two believe love are contingent on doing things for ppl, acting nice, be what people want them to be;
- When manager is two: can read room/ppl. Can trust they want to have good relationship with you. May delay/avoid conflicts.
- When subordinate is two: very comfortable in most support roles, extreme helpers, diplomatic & wants to avoid conflict (hard to ask, might appear needy).
- Better work with two: upbeat & positive, handle with care.
Type-3 The compulsively productive professional, or getting and looking good doing it
- The Achiever : do best job possible & looks good doing it (external perspective driven chasing achievements). Identify strongly with work persona (workaholics), communication is straightforward, goal-driven. Good at reading audience; Image management; Good at marketing (can read target audience); Projecting a image of success. Impatient with ppl slowing your progress toward goal; See life is a big TODO list – love checking things off TODO list; Consider emotions not productive;
- Early in life, three are loved for what they do not who they are, thus chasing achievement becomes the mindset.
- When manager is three: have the drive to accomplish for a big goal; Prioritize for work before everything & low-tolerance for ppl not meeting expectations;
- When subordinate is three: Good implementer of plans & goals; Hard time to hide disrespect for boss;
- Better work with three: complete the goals; delegate to threes; don’t waste their time / fast-pace; schedule meeting if need their attention; understand work above relationships;
Type-4 The power of authentic self-expression
- The Artist/Romantic: most emotional, translate emotional depth into artistic creation/personal bonding. Place high value on authentic self-expression. Easy to see people’s emotions. Self-reference: attention goes to their own inner experience.
- Early in life, four has loss of connection. Being loved by a caregiver then something happened and that connection is lost (i.e. younger sibling / parent less available);
- When manager is four: want to have emotional connection with you. Might have emotional responses;
- When subordinate is four: avoid conflict/withdraw when stressed, sensitive to your needs/feelings;
- Better work with four: Understand them, let them express emotion, be authentic, connect in a meaningful/personal way, help them see emotional level without devaluing their emotions;
Type-5 The knowledgeable observer or the quiet authority
- The Observer/The Quiet Specialist: examine human interaction from safe distance; Introvert; Conserving energy by limit interaction with others; Thought Leaders; Information driven; Objective and tends to disconnect from emotions;
- Early in life, five feel intruded or neglected, sometimes deal with drama by taking refuge in their heads.
- When manager is five: Don’t bother with irrelevant detail / personal issues, uncommunicative but thoughtful/understanding;
- When subordinate is five – discussing messy emotions might be more stressful than work, want to set boundaries;
- Better work with five: respect space & time, straightforward & thoughtful, professional, avoid drama/messy emotion, no personal issue, no surprises.
Type-6 The skeptical, vigilant troubleshooter
- Loyal Skeptic: Find safety in dangerous world: “What can go wrong?”, assess situation & identify potential problems. Automatically poke holes in other ppl’s plans and test how solid they are. Hard time trusting ppl initially. Naturally support underdog, Contrarian view. Work out of fear, but may not be aware of it. Pessimistic / May appear undecisive. Good at rationally analyzing situations.
- Early in life, might have fear inducing situation, often involving untrustworthy authorities, i.e. unpredictable parent. Learn to anticipate what’s going to happen next and find safety on their own.
- When manager is six: They want to hear your ideas. If they trust you and know can depend on you, will get along well. Respect six’s flood of questions / concerns.
- When subordinate is six: might be suspicious of authority, keep open communication, show them you can be trusted.
- Better work with six – be trust-worthy, patient with questions, understand their fear, value their ability to troubleshoot / analyze.
Type-7 The innovative, optimistic visionary or focusing on the future (and feeling festive)
- Epicure/Adventurer: want to feel good. Quick & spontaneous, good at brainstorming without boundry. Bright shiny object syndrome. Reframe negatives into positives. Optimism.
- In Early life, seven is usually happen. Thus positive spin on things and remember mostly positive terms of hardship.
- When manager is seven: seven want to make work fun, won’t be micromanaged. Will get along well if not too much problem/negativity or limit their movements. Good at brainstorming. Soften hierarchical relationship.
- When subordinate is seven: likes hands-off managers. If feel controlled, will first try to make friends then get confrontational, if not working, then mentally checked-out. Don’t like hierarchical authority. Focus on positive side of constructive feedback.
- Better work with seven: be upbeat & positive, avoid excessive negativity & criticism, not too constraining, understand they don’t like authority.
Type-8 The powerful, decisive activator or moving thing forward from a position of strength
- The Challenger/The Boss: “big picture”, good at power-dynamics, assertive/aggressive (assert strength and don’t show weakness), speaking style is bold/authoritative/direct, don’t like when people sugarcoat they prefer people who stand up and just say it. High energy & action-oriented.
- In Early life, eight feels powerless. Maybe not getting their needs meet in childhood and made they feel they must get strong to survive. Resolves never to be powerless again, and becomes strong and capable. Can-do mindset, and decisive.
- When manager is eight: manage with authority, talk straight when doing something wrong, might be overly blunt/aggressive.
- When subordinate is eight: will work hard & put energy to the work. Appreciate knowing big-pictures and completing tasks independently.
- Better work with eight: straight talk, brief & to the point, not afraid of conflict with them, competent & work independently.
Type-9 Leading from consensus, modeling inclusion and defusing conflict – or the consensus-building mediator
- The Mediator/Peacemaker: avoid separation from others, find peace in the world. Avoid conflict: Say yes a lot and hard to say no, not rock the boat. Lead from behind by finding consensus. Know more others’ agendas than your own. Indecisive.
- In Early life, nine feels overlooked, thus blending in / getting along with people who seems more powerful. Merge with others instead of fighting.
- When manager is nine: approachable / feel heard, may not be clear in criticism, indecisive.
- When subordinate is nine: cooperative & hard working (esp. if good relationship), could be passive-aggressive, rule-followers.
- Better work with nine: make personal connection, value nine’s opinions as well, understand they want to avoid conflict.