[Dec/2022-Archive-April/2022 | Sales] The Story Factor


  • Right bring driven story-telling / influence

Chap1 Six Types of Story

  • Ppl want faith instead of info
    • Story is path to creating faith
    • Ppl need to trust you first
    • Six types of story
    • Gain trust by telling a story instead of “declaration” (which raises suspicion) 
    • Pull/Push
      • Story is pull, others (persuasion / bribery / manipulation) is push
    • Ppl’s first question – who are you & why you’re here?
      • If don’t have positive answers, ppl usually assume negative 
      • Trust / Rapport / Connection first
    • Power of vulnerability
  • Six types of story
    • Who Am I
      • Public speaker
        • Personal Story
          • Example – i.e. speaker’s grandfather pass away etc. 
      • Leader who demonstrates self-knowledge demo strength
        • New manager tells “him being fired on his first management job because of micro-management” 
      • People can still doubt “why you’re here” and influencing them
    • Why I am here
      • Human nature looking for hidden agenda
      • Never tell a story to someone you don’t respect – ppl will feel the disrespect
      • Don’t assume ppl will auto-believe your altruistic story
    • The Vision
      • If ppl don’t see your vision, it’s not a vision – example: CEO vs. Mid-mgmt
      • Tell a story people can “see”
        • Example: “I have a dream” 
      • Vision story likely to sound bland if delivered without authenticity
      • The difference between “Laying Brick” vs. “Building a Cathedral”
    • Teaching
      • i.e. instead of telling receptionist “how to do it”, tell her the best receptionist you know blahblah (all the descriptions)
      • Example: Plato – teach about limitation of democracy
        • Ship in ocean don’t know direction, use majority vote for direction – most popular guy wins but truth doesn’t prevail thus everyone died
        • What’s good – not over-complex, complexity only where it’s needed
    • Values in Action
      • Example – teaching “we value integrity”, saying it means nothing. But telling a story of an employee who hid mistake & cost company $$. 
      • Example – teaching “if it ain’t fun, don’t do it” – parents want kid to learn piano, kids end up burning piano 
        • Very lively image of burning piano! – LongTerm memory
    • I know what you’re thinking
      • Example – CEO no respect, but didn’t show it openly. “Cheap Psycho Trick”
        • Openly use this term “Cheap Psy Trick” – make it have a new meaning
        • Do this when suspect someone discredit the value of open dialog
      • Dispel Fears
        • Example – Tell a story of “committee from hell” (worst case scenario) to make everyone not afraid 
        • Example – “I am a statistician and this will be the most boring one hour of your life” as opening, zero-in the major fear 

Chap2 What is story

  • Naked Truth: telling it directly is hard, tell a truth
  • Story creates power – people will attribute the intelligence of story to you
  • Stories are more true than facts because stories are multi-dimensional
  • Ppl need stories to organize thoughts – guide people story
    • i.e. employee feel frustrated when all tools need to be “re-tools” because of new product, but given story that other factories are closing down while this factory is given a new product, they find new meaning

Chap3 Story > Facts

  • Facts aren’t influential until they mean something to someone
  • Influence/Change people’s narratives
  • Japanes business man tell American businesswomen to dress “formally” – rude, but with story, more reasonable
  • One-dimensional vs. Three-dimensional
  • Bear-trap question : if you’re on wrong side of someone’s ego, they might give you a bear-trap question – make you appear unpopular
    • Bear-trap question: gross oversimplification that’s designed to make you look bad no matter your choices
    • Fight back – tell a story that “makes sense”
  • Saying it without saying it
    • Saying nothing incriminating – solve ethical dilemmas
  • Give Demo
    • Before/After Demo Stories for “keeping fit”
  • Use story to reframe “No”
  • Mood changer – teaser -> story -> mood-change

Chap4 How to tell a good story

  • Factors
  • Oral Language – 15%
  • Gesture
  • Face Expression
    • Understand emotional content of the story
  • Body Language
    • Adapt to story
  • Sounds / Smells / Tastes
  • Irrelevant Detail
    • Irrelevant details rather than just relevant facts make story a better subjective emotional exp 
  • Virtual Reality
  • Timing and Pause
    • Anticipation / Foreshadow
    • Timing to make emotions make full impact
  • Tone

Chap5 Psychology of Story’s Influence

  • Physics of Story
    • Story is pulling (the magnet), use the momentum in your listeners
  • Personal connection
  • Memory Device
    • Good story is very recallable in the future
    • I have a dream / Iron Curtain
  • Hypnosis & Trance
  • “I was there”
    • Urban Myth Story
      • Kidney story
      • “Made to stick”

Chap6 Sound Bite or Epic

  • Archetype of stories
  • A lot of other things grasp for attention in story-telling

Chap7 Influencing the unwilling/unconcerned/unmotivated

  • Negative story
  • The cynical
  • The resentful
  • The jealous
  • The hopeless
  • The apathetic
  • The greedy

Chap8 Storytelling as a tool of influence

  • Listening
    • Listening to customers’ story (as salesperson) as influencing technique

Chap9 Storyteller dos and don’ts

  • Done – not good

Chap10 The life of a storyteller

  • Story as culture keeper
  • Hitler is good story teller – very vivid
    • His story transformed him in people’s mind
  • Spin Story
    • Church merge “three Mary” into one to increase conversion rate
    • US Flag first creator
  • Your personal story

Chap11 Storytelling & Technology

  • Story: Significant emotional experience
  • UX perspective or “story telling” – as cognitive biases
    • Parking lot full for a restaurant – you want to eat there as well – social proof

Chap12 Moral of stories

  • Brand Story – Nike

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