[Dec/2022-Archive-Feb/2022 | RE] The 16% Solution (Tax Liens)


  • State law: tax-lien vs. tax auction state


  • Yield up to 16-18%
  • First lien on property


  • Safe – assuming it’s a few percent of value
  • Liquidity – illiquid, small secondary market
  • Overhead – need some personal time & energy


  • State Law diff
    • Arkansas – not on list (no tax lien)
    • Illinois, yes, 2.5 year redemption, 18%+
  • If you want property
    • More likely in recession
    • State diff
      • FL highest bidder
      • AZ/CO tax lien holder priority
  • If you want interest rate
    • Competition is less in rural county
  • Tax official know highest rate of redemption areas


  • Author prefer residential
  • Income investment need fast redeem
  • Valuation = land + improvement, improvement should be 75%, if below 60%, then it’s strange
    • Either improvement subpar, mobile home, vast land, etc
  • Investigation & Cost
    • Buyer beware – fuel tank need clean cost
  • Stick to good neighborhoods
  • Statistical buying approach for investor with pooled funds


  • Auction – usually yearly
  • List of property – ask treasurer
  • Auction procedure
  • Bidding – interest goes down (most state)
    • CO/MD state – more $ the better


  • Online auction
  • More competition
  • Commission for online auction company
  • realauction.com


  • leftover tax lien
  • Depend on state
  • Smaller county , try early, friend with local official


  • Buy from other investor
    • Use illiquidity to your advantage
    • transfer, assignment
      • Register at county to get paid!


  • Rural area
    • Clerk less busy
    • Don’t mention foreclosure to clerks (politically)


  • DONE


  • Foreclosure 
    • state law diff
    • be precise
    • attorney
    • Notification Procedure – personal service might be needed
    • Uncertainty in tax in foreclosure


  • Quiet title action
  • Unlawful detainer action – remove squatter etc.
  • Be fast to avoid squatter’s rights


  • Worthless properties 
    • Tax assessment very low
    • Stick with improved properties – easier to eval than raw land
      • Which depends on zononing / flooding / water / sewer
    • Phony improvement – not a house but a mobile home LOL


  • Environmental liability
    • Chealup cost – from owner/lessee
    • Physical solution
      • Stick with residential (but not absolutely safe)
      • Redeveloped industrial is bad
      • Phase 1 – $3500+, whether hazarduous substance never exist
      • Phase 2 – if phase 1 not pass, more investigation
    • Legal solution
      • Lien holder is ok before foreclosure


  • Bankruptcy
    • Chap7 – liquidation
    • Chap11 – reorg
    • Chap13 – repay


  • Scams
  • Middleman taking a “spread” by selling the tax lien higher lol


  • FDIC liens – when bank go bankrupt, liens go to FDIC in intermediate period, until the bankrupted bank is bought by another bank
  • If want to foreclosure FDIC lien – extremely difficult


  • Illinois regulation
  • Two system
    • Regular system
      • Bid starts at 18% interest and goes down from there
    • Scavenger act system
      • At least two years delinquent
      • Bidding mechanism different, bid what you’re willing to pay
  • Redemption
    • Regular sale, interest increase regularly
    • Scavenger act
      • Time less than 2 months, 3%/month or pro-rata
      • 2-6 months, 12%
      • 6-12 months, 24%
      • 12-18 months, 36%
      • 18-24 months, 48%
      • After 24 months, 48% + 6%/year

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