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Intro – Social Gravity
- Rely on others to see what’s worth wanting
- After basic needs – go to desires
- Mimesis – Learn desire externally from “models”
- Humans fight not because of different but because of sameness – enemy twins
- Religious sacrifice
- Company where people measure on perf objectives instead of relative performance – minimize mimetic rivalry
- Model of desire – everyone’s a potential model with Facebook
- FB models are “inside our world”
Chap1 Hidden Models – Romantic Lies, Infant Truth
- We learn our desire from models
- Torches of freedom – Edward Bernays
- Female smoking a taboo at the time, Frame women smoking as a way for women to challenge male power “torches of freedom”
- Hire women to smoke conspicuously
- Give illusion of autonomy, models are powerful when hidden, if want someone passionate about something, want them to believe the desire is their own
- Romance:
- Backoff in relationship when women push too hard
- The more the women deny, the more Girard wants the women – other man needs this women – “modeling the desirability of women”
- Guy wants his girlfriend back when the women posted on insta with a new boyfriend who’s “high status”
- Advertising Irony
- When being sold something too hard – not good
- Illusion of Choice
- Financial Market – herding of investors
Chap2 Distorted Reality – Freshmen
- Steve Jobs and computer buyer Friedland – quirky behavior
- Later becomes reality distortion field <- author says its because Steve Jobs “want” differently
- “Imitate – but not too much” behavior
- People who’re far away from us (celebristan) vs. those who are close (Freshmanistan)
- Celebristan – different universe, different “wants”
- Rivalry from Proximity
- Freshmanistan – close in contact and unspoken rivalry
- Celebristan – external mediator of desire (outside our world)
- Time/Space/Social Status between celebristan vs. Imitators
- Imitated openly & freely
- Add distance by Secrecy (i.e. Satoshi Nakamoto in Celebristan)
- Hierarchy in company faciliate Celebristan (i.e. CEO vs. entry-level employee)
- Freshmanistan – internal mediator of desire (inside our world)
- High Rivalry
- High school freshman – unspoken battle of differentiation
- “I want what you want”
- Distortion of Reality
- Distortion 1 : Misappropriation of Wonder
- Openly applaud wonders for models in Celebristan, secretly applaud wonders for models in Freshmanistan (because of rivalry)
- Distortion 2 : Cult of Experts
- Example: Tim Ferris’s Five Bullet Friday: experts tell you what you should want
- “Guru” – deconstruct layer’s behind someone’s authority
- Distortion 3: Reflexivity
- Self-fulfilling : our perception of reality changes reality
- Example: people’s willingness to speak freely depends on their unconscious perception of how popular their opinions are
- Example: Elizabeth Holmes – Walgreen contract brings more action
- Social Mediation – social media & mimetic desire
Chap3 Social Contagion – cycles of desire
- Mimetic Desire spreads like energy
- Lamborghini vs. Ferrari
- Innovation from imitation
- Mimetic Rivalry, where one person is Matador the other the bull
- Memes
- Flywheel effect
- Cycle-1: Negative cycle, rivalry
- Cycle-2: Positive cycle, mutual good, mindset of abundance;
- Example of business flywheel: great product -> elite athelete -> amateur -> public
- Zappos Negative Flywheel example:
- Downtown proj
- Community that has lost the difference (no model vs. imitator) – will have worse mimetic rivalry (freshmanistan type)
- Tony want to create “college env” to accelerate Serendipity but seems he got freshmanistan
- Non-hierarchical Company
- Mimetic Rivalry (pair-wise) vs. Mimetic Crisis (Zappos example)
- Have a clear hierarchy of values – antidote to mimetic conformity
Chap4 The Invention of Blame
- Scapegoat mechanism
- Celebristan vs. Freshmanstan – in mimetic contagion
- Ppl in pool analogy
- Mob/Crowd Psychology
- Scapegoat mechanism also “kill tyrants”
- Scapegoat – demigod ability before death – unifying & healing the community
- Online Study (Weibo) – anger spreads faster than other emotion, because anger spreads across weak ties between people
- Sacrificial Thinking
Chap5 Anti-Mimetic
- Goal & Systems
- Mimetic Systems
- More Mimetic Force, more people want to use it
- Systems of Desires
- Example: Restaurant / Michelin Star
- Michelin Guide – mediator of desire
- Mimetic Marketing
- Also sell tools & Services to restaurants (if they don’t agree, then …)
Chap6 Disruptive Empathy – break through thin desires
- Disruptive Empathy
- Detail Negative Mimesis
- Know People at their Core: Stories of deeply fulfilling action
- Sympathy vs. Empathy
- Sympathy: feeling together, empathy: feeling inside
- Sympathy can be hijacked by mimesis
- Thick Desires
- Against mimetic desire
- i.e. desire to retire is thin vs. desire to invest more time with family is thick
- Envy: Engine of destructive mimetic desire
- Thin desire fluctuate up & down
- Thick desire always goes up
- Deeply fulfilling experiences
- Identify core motivational drive
- Fulfillment story: action -> meaning to the person
- Kick off positive memisis
- Fulfillment story as window
Chap7 Transcendent leadership – great leader inspire & shape desire
- Mimetic Desire & Leadership
- Immanent vs. Transcendent Desire
- Inside vs. Outside the System
- Transcendent desire is extending space & time, via vision
- 增量 vs. 存量
- Five skills of transcendent leadership
- 1. Shift Gravity – cultivate desire in students and let them stufy
- 2. Speed of truth – important for org
- Pursuit of truth is anti-mimetic
- 3. Discern desire
- 4. Sit quietly in a room – silent retreat
- 5. Filter feedback
- Lean Startup Methodology is immanent desire (based on data feedback), which is “follow instead of lead”
- Elon Musk’s “reckless” opinion of market data
Chap8 Mimetic Future
- Facebook marks world’s entry into Freshmanistan
- Big Tech
- Google – deity
- Facebook – love & belonging
- Amazon – Security
- Apple – Sex/Status
- Two dimension
- Celebristan vs. Freshmanistan
- Mimetic vs. Anti-mimetic
- Instruments vs. Relationships
- Engineering desire vs. transformation of desire
- Engineering desire
- Tech comp stand as mediator of desire between ppl & things
- Centrally planned wanting
- Transformation of desire
- Calculating vs. Meditating thought
- Meditative thought as anti-dote to mimesis
- Pivotal space: family / imagination / work
- Three social inventions: Scapegoat / Marketing Economy / the third one forming