[Dec/2022-Archive-May/2022 | Personal] Writing and Personality

Chap 3 MBTI & Writing

  • E vs. I
    • E – actively involved with ppl/things, I – paused before saying
    • E – write best when thinking out loud, write content first then outline
      • Rambling / can get sidetracked
    •  I – write alone is best, need time to sink in for other advice 
  • S vs. N
    • S – five sense, deliberate process of info, N – notice possibilities/futures/novel ways of looking at things
    • S – start with concrete info, concrete instructions / expectations for paper
    • N – good writing is originality, want new approach
  • F vs. T
    • T – establish criterion, pros/cons
      • Focus on content, no emotionally invested in the topic
    • F – more focused on target audience’s feelings
      • Hard to write things without emotional connection
  • P vs. J
    • J – make exterior world orderly, like being decisive
      • More likely to plan, more likely to stick to plan even though ineffective
    • P – keep exterior world unstructured, take info before making decision
      • Cover all angle, research as much as possible
      • Write right before DDL

Chap 4 E & I

  • E writer need noise / busy env, I like solitarity 

Chap 5 S & N

  • S:
  • N:

Chap 6 T & F

Chap 7 : J & P

Chap 8 – 11 : not informative: DONE

Chap 12 Natural Styles & Consequences

  • ST
    • tech report (some can write satire well)
    • hard to do narrative, not personal 
  • NT
    • abstract – less concrete
  • SF
    • Narrative, ability to tell stories
    • Natural optimism – almost childlike
  • NF
    • abstract and personal
    • Transformation and rebirth (protean)

Chap 13 Drafting and Revising

Chap 14 Growing as a Writer

  • E: shut-down external world and reflection
  • I : More interaction with external world
  • S: More imagination & original
  • N: more realism, simpler msg
  • T: more personal
  • F: more objective analysis
  • J: More inclusiveness
  • P: More decisiveness

Chap 15 breakthrough writing anxiety & writer blocks

  • Mapping exercise – 思维导图
  • Freewriting exercise – 随便打字

Chap 16 Writing for diff audiences

  • Formal (IT) & Informal (EF)
  • Example EF
  • ST audience
  • SF audience
  • NT audience
  • NF
  • Words that appeal to diff audiences

Chap 17: Collab

  • Collab
  • Breakdown in collab

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