[Feb/2023 | Real Estate] Investing in Farmland – Murray R. Wise

  • 简介:这本书比较老(1980s), 当时经济环境刚经历农场过热泡沫然后泡沫破裂,是一个很特殊的历史时期. 泡沫时期过度杠杆也被作者批评了,本书对于农田underwriting颇有干货.
  • Chap-0 Intro
    • 1980s farm crisis
    • 年化ROI 从1930s to 1980s about 6% – appreciation的年化
    • 做得较好的可有5-8% cashflow
      • Cash rent from farm operator
    • 重要因素: 位置,降雨,土壤,排水
  • Chap-1 极佳机遇 – 宏观
    • Farm foreclosure – About 8% ROI to passive investor
    • 1982-1987农田价格大下降(50%)
      • 过度扩张,农场价格上升,现金流干涸
      • 农业进出口的国际供需变化
      • 所花费的能源价格高企
    • 长期来看3-4.5% ROI
    • 美国农业革命 – 机器代替人工
    • Gov Subsidy
    • 农产品价格高时,易流失的土壤也被用于农田,不是可持续发展
      • Conservation Reserve Program
        • 农场主用农田种树从USDA拿补贴
          • $48/acre at the time
        • 风险在于补贴不知道会不会随时间上涨,但各种费用应该会随时间上涨 i.e. property tax
    • 作者认为只买最好的农田
  • Chap-2 好农田
    • Location
      • 比如Iowa东&北田好,南田差
      • 在好区中下的田 > 在差区的好田
      • Use income tax / resident or bank deposit per capita to determine if farmland area is good/bad metric
      • Good traffic – water / train traffic, bad traffic area have more transportation cost
    • Rainfall
      • 降雨分布/月份分布 – 农作物不同不同月份的需水量有差异
    • Soil
      • Soil Productivity Index
        • Clay > Loam > Sandy
        • 每种土壤容水量不同
      • Also by slope
    • Drainage
  • Chap-3 农产品的其他用途
    • 在汽油里加ethanol
    • corn-based sweetener
    • 可降解包装
    • CMA融冰剂 (道路)
  • Chap-4 与其他投资的对比
    • inflation hedge
      • 作者认为基于比较少的数据 1945-1985, land value index = 1.5x CPI most of time
      • 作者的金融知识似乎不高深
  • Chap-5 农业运作的资金需求
    • 机器贵,农民50-250 acre not economical
    • 泡沫(农田价格高)时
      • 91% 买家投资者 9%农民
      • 泡沫破裂之后 – 38%投资者62%农民
  • Chap-6 Underwriting
    • 土壤
      • 需要保护使其有肥力
        • yield over years + productivity index
      • Topography – sloping harder to farm
      • 三种土质: soil / loam / clay
        • midwest clay多, 保水好,抗干旱
      • 酸碱偏酸影响根的生长
        • PH <5.0不好
      • Soil survey – 土壤类型
      • Soil productivity rating system
        • C.S.R. : Corn Suitability Ratings (0-100)
        • Estimated Bushel of corn per acre
    • 降雨
      • 不仅要知降雨总量,更要知其季节性变化 – critical month when plant growing
      • 大干旱风险 – 美国不是高危 (i.e. 1988干旱)
        • 抗干旱的种子 – 生物工程
      • 土质越差则干旱时减产越严重
      • Irrigation
        • 耗钱 – 投入/产出比未知
          • NE州 75%+ use irrigation
          • CA 90%+
          • 消耗地下水
      • Drainage
        • Clay土 = lack of internal drainage
        • 一般drainage寿命30-50年,但可以15年折旧报税
      • Fertility: 氮磷钾, PH值
      • Grain basis: 运输成本
    • Market Imperfection
      • Price measured in $ per bushel productivity
      • Price can diff 30%!
  • Chap 7 Acquire 
    • Farm brokers has been talent thin, 不靠谱居多
    • Auction
  • Chap 8 Leasing
    • 50/50 crop share
      • Both tenant/landlord share the cost & return
      • Cost – 农药种子etc.
    • Custom Rental – 收益高风险大
      • Landlord pays all cost & gets all return
    • Cash rent – low risk
    • Bushel lease
      • Get fixed number of bushel results
    • Lease itself might require a lien / UCC
    • PIK (payment in kind) 套利
  • Chap 9 Ownership
    • Fee simple
    • Land trust
      • 作为个人Property 而非Real property 跨州遗产税不同
    • Contract for deed
      • Title remain w\ seller only transfer when paid in full
      • Common ~10 years
      • Make sure “cloud the title”
      • Enable seller faster foreclosure if it defaults
  • Chap 10 Financing Acquisitions
    • Leverage work well when high inflation
      • i.e. interest rate 9% with inflation 10-20%
      • Author likes all-cash purchase
    • Farm credit system
    • Insurance company
      • 7-15 year loan, 35 year amortization (balloon), 60% LTV
    • Farmer Mac
  • Chap 11 Professional Farm Mgmt
    • Good vs. Incompetent farm mgmt
    • Appraisal
      • Don’t want broker’s 粗心的BPO/CMA
      • 需要细致的土壤, drainage etc.的分析
        • Not cheap
  • Chap 12 Corp & Foreign Ownership
    • Some states have anti-corp / anti-foreigner farm bills
      • Anti-foreigner bill: Iowa at the time
  • Chap 13 作者自身经历
    • 问临近农民此farm的价格
    • Auction system
      • 通过marketing提高卖价
      • sold much more than appraisal
      • 制作精良的小册子&多媒体

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