[Nov/2022 | Marketing/Data] Chaos Monkey

  • 本书整体风格主要是讲故事,我认为有价值的一段主要是描述现有的(管理credit score的)公司等如何monetize他们的数据. 其余部分略. 
  • Chapter – The great awakening
    • Data onboarding – 公司如Datalogic/Neustar/Liveramp 购买第三方网站上的一个pixel并把个人信息进行整合
      • i.e. Website A -> Name, Website B -> email (Join personal info against cookie)
    • FB data onboarding 
      • Use FB ID and compare it against data sources from Acxiom/Datalogix. 
    • Old school – Experian 
    • Previous context is direct mail marketing (i.e. Bed Bath Beyond) which has $1K CPM. 
  • Related discussion online
    • https://www.reddit.com/r/adops/comments/d9nwh9/who_are_liveramps_top_competitors_when_it_comes/
      • Onboarding a DMP in 2019 is like burning money. The majority of them are all based around cookies which are effectively dead. You have seen the big ones (Salesforce/Adobe/Oracle) all pivot towards CDP’s (which are still not perfect) to try tap into that market.
      • CDP stands for Custom Data Platform, It’s the new acronym 3rd parties are using to pimp data management solutions.  It’s basically a reconfigured DMP..  Why anyone would use a 3rd party systems to collect, manage and secure their 1st party data after 2019 just shows how ignorant ppl are in this Industry. 
      • DMP := data management platform
    • https://www.reddit.com/r/programmatic/comments/opyq2k/very_basic_question_about_leveraging_firstparty/
      • How to turn raw PII into targeting audience?
      • Basically the DSP you work with has to have the ability to map cookies, Mobile ad IDs, or IP addresses to an email address. The ones who do this with the most ease would be Google DV360, Amazon, Verizon, and very recently The Trade Desk. Scale for execution depends on how many emails you have to start and what the match rate is between your list and the tech platforms list.

      • This is the right info here but you would also have the option to work with a data onboarding partner, like LiveRamp, to match your customer data to cookies and mobile device IDs. That’s probably the more expensive and annoying option but would allow for more flexibility in where you send your audiences. I also believe DV360 Customer Match, the “tool” you would use to target PII within the DSP, is only for YouTube.

    • https://www.reddit.com/r/adops/comments/n4ruvn/how_do_agencies_work_with_data_partners_to/
      • For digital advertising, if we work out a deal for 2nd or 3rd party data, it’s always coming to us in an anonymized format via LiveRamp (or FB, or some other data onboarding service). We won’t actually see or touch the actual data, we’ll just get the audience delivered to our DSP or DMP. From there, we’ll have an agreement to pay them a CPM (usually $1.00 to $2.00) on our usage. Usually the agreement is just for a fixed amount of time, maybe 6 months to a year. The reporting is all on the honor system — we report the impressions we ran against their data each month, and then they issue an invoice (pretty typical for these types of agreements).
    • https://www.reddit.com/r/adops/comments/68520z/difference_between_tracking_ad_and_1x1_impression/
    • https://www.publift.com/adteach/what-is-programmatic-advertising
      • SSP (used by publishers) / DSP (used by advertisers) / Real-time bidding
      • Ad Exchange: Where DSP & SSP come together. 

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