[Apr/2023 | Personal] Reading Faces – Leopold Bellak

  • Chap 1 Intro
    • Social mask
      • When patient still sitting in the waiting room / before apply social mask
    • Zone system
      • 长期情绪导致肌肉群的固定pattern
      • 分为四区 – 上/下/左/右
        • 遮住半区看另外半区
        • 作者分析有种gut feeling的感觉
      • Mona Lisa 举例 
        • weak receding chin + full round cheeks -> sensuality
        • weak chin – weak self-control / conviction
        • 下巴与conviction / aggressiveness的关系
  • Chap 2
    • Physignomy vs. Phrenology
      • 作者认为Phsiognomy更科学
      • 而Phrenology – 看头骨凸起部分决定异才不科学
      • 欧洲当时重handwriting based personality analysis
    • 左右脸之别
      • 右脸往往more pleasant, open, sensitive
      • 左脸往往more sinister
      • 右脸更公开,左脸更私密
      • 左脸往往更接近本质
    • 左右脑区别
      • 左脑逻辑,右脑直觉
      • 右脑控制左半脸,and vice versa
      • 左脸本质,右脸外表facade
    • JFK 总统
      • 左眼 – humor, sensitivity
      • 下唇厚 – sensuality
      • 下巴强壮 – aggression, strength, determination
      • 右眼 – cold, appraising, vigilant
      • 右半脸 – tough customer
  • Chap 3 – 面部肌肉群
    • As people grow older, face shows more character
      • baby face is clean slate
    • 口部肌肉群的使用体现生活态度
      • Genial vs. Dissatisfaction vs. Grim Determination
    • 眼部肌肉 – Suspicion / Disapproval
    • 额头肌肉 – puzzlement / anger / pain
    • Habital Emotional Attitudes – how “life treated one”
      • Significantly override constitutional features
    • Tight mouse – obsessive / compulsive personality
    • 骨骼 – 肌肉运动对骨头的日渐改变
    • Somatotypes 
      • Mesomorph – 运动型 肌肉感,下巴有力,战斗机飞行员此类多
      • Ectomorph – 三角形,aesthetic
      • Endomorph – 圆形
  • Chap 4 – 101 traits
  • Chap 5 – Read Expressions Easier
    • 眼睛
      • 瞳孔放大 – sexual arousal
        • 放大表示兴趣 – 缩小表示厌恶
      • Slant-eyed – untrustworthy
        • 斜视的习惯 – guarded sizing-up the world without暴露自己的真实想法
      • 外眼角放射的皱纹
        • 微笑 – friendly
    • 眉毛 – 怒 vs. 忧 vs. 平静 vs. 长期worrying / 专注的抬头纹
    • 鼻 
      • 像闻到臭味 – disagreeable
      • nose up  in the air – contempt
      • Flare nostril – angry / excited / sexually aroused
      • Roman nose – power/aggression
      • Aquiline Nose – 鹰钩鼻 – most aggressive
      • 男人的鼻子往往比女人大 – 雄性激素
        • 下巴同理
      • 薄唇 – tight/rigid/stubborn
      • 厚唇 – sensual / warm personality
      • 不同的唇形 – 不同的情感常态
    • 下巴 – 力量感 – 雄性激素
    • 脖子 – 越粗越有力量 – 雄性激素
    • Four temperament
  • Chap 6 – Face self-study
    • Drooping/sagging line – loser/depression
    • Upbeat mood lift muscular / skin formations
  • Chap 7 – Improve relations via face-reading
    • 读面 – pay attention to the other person
    • Interesting social convo
      • i.e. you have an interesting face
  • Chap 8 Famous Face Practice
    • President Jimmy Carter
      • 左面depressed / concerned
      • 法令纹深 – forced smile
    • Rosalynn Carter
      • 鼻上眉间纹 – 易怒/压抑怒火
    • President Franklin Roosevelt
  • Chap 10 Q&A 
    • 夫妻相
    • 人与宠物像
    • 犯罪学家相信面向
      • 小说 – the daughter of time

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