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- Chap 1 – Sales 101
- Door 2 door sales
- 销售员是演员,不同的顾客不同的对手戏
- treat the older couple as if they’re your grandparents & you will earn “grandson effect”
- 西装笔挺 – 第一印象好
- 不同顾客
- dominant ppl – straight to the point, don’t overload them with info
- structued ppl – 耐心 – do overload them with info
- passive ppl – don’t make contact – open end Q to get them talking, don’t be loud & over-talk
- extroverted ppl – let them talk & compliment
- 总同意顾客说的
- 顾客 default to No
- 故提问为”are you opposed to tataking the car home if the number works out?”
- 三要素 – car / price / salesperson
- 销售员从新到老时可能业绩下降
- 销售的momentum – easiest to sell a car is when you just sold one
- 与wolf 的inner state mgmt 相似
- 对顾客的每个家庭成员都施力
- walk the service department – 汽车保养时等着的顾客 – 而不是只等来买车的顾客
- 接电话前先征求客户同意
- Assume the sale when asking the sale
- Video-follow-up 顾客看车的视频
- Chap 2 – 步骤
- 1. Greeting, car sales has “shady reputation”
- 4. 选车
- 从便宜的车开始add options
- When price too high can go back
- 6. Test drive
- Start test drive in residential area
- When car surrounded by similar ones – hard to tell its beauty
- 7. Credit Application
- SSN info last – (most invasive info last principle)
- Multiple options (down payment / monthly pay / etc.)
- Start with shortest term financing, when customers wants to lower, extend it
- 8. Delivery
- Customer most excited when delivery
- Make it a show, take customer photo
- 9. Follow-up
- Chap 3 – Phone Appt
- Best closing rate (phone appt)
- Trade-in
- After info-gather, sound excited for their car
- Chap 4 – E-comm
- Chap 5 – Lease
- Lease to own
- 给顾客有选择权的感觉
- Guaranteed Asset Protection (as feature of lease)
- Chap 6 – Negotiation
- Negotiate in office not in car
- Want to show customers their options
- Sell yourself
- Let the customer speak & don’t interrupt
- Don’t drop price on first offer
- If lower price, make sure have reason
- Reason example – sales have a quota per month for discount
- If discount, don’t step too big
- 不然顾客感觉你在割韭菜
- More down payment makes monthly payment lower
- Finer granularity for payment – monthly -> per day / per commute
- 多角度的negotiation
- Trade-in value / price / interest rate
- Trade-in
- 先共情,然后又说dealership trade-in多贵
- Gas mileage as monthly saving
- 顾客有时候带来专家朋友
- 与专家共战线 – you know 1.9% financing is a great rate
- 顾客压力太大