[May/2023 | Personal] You can read a face like a book

  • 历史面相学
    • 1930s EdwardJones法官92% accuracy
    • 作者认为遗传决定性格
      • 脸的左上右下from 父,脸的左下右上from 母
    • 作者背景 – color consultant
    • 作者认为面相决定职业选择
  • Chap1 – 非对称脸
    • 非对称性越大,mood swing越大
    • 作者认为源自父母的不同
  • Chap 2 – 头发
    • 头发发质 – 粗 vs. fine
      • fine hair sensitive / coarse hair less sensitive
    • Fine hair – quality not quantity – 品味好
    • 粗发 – 政治家脸皮厚
    • 恋爱双方头发的粗细最好相似
  • Chap 3 – 手
    • 二指长于四指 – low risk-taker
    • 四指长于二指 – high risk-taker
    • risk-taking 手指加上sloped back forehead
      • 爱开快车
    • Hand-dexterity / handyman – 手中间三指长度差不多则handy
    • 暴怒潜质 – 大拇指与二指第一指节等长
      • 好处 – 见义勇为时大力出奇迹
    • 手指间隙 – 哲学倾向
    • short heart line 掌纹到食指短线 – need high solitude
  • Chap 4 – 腿
    • 短腿 – 坐不住,需要多走走
    • 短腿 + 广眼小朋友,用体育让其不调皮捣蛋
  • Chap 5 – 眼
    • 瞳孔大小 – 大则high emotional expression
      • 眼黑与眼白的区别
      • 小瞳孔不情感用事
    • Eye sparkles – 多则high magnetism (水汪汪的眼睛)
      • good sales – eye sparkles / low set eye brows / cometitiveness
    • 眼间距广 vs. 窄 – 广则high tolerance
      • high tol – laid back 好好先生
        • running late, too many projects / overextended
        • children likely to be distracted
        • When combined High physical motivation (下半脸长)
          • Very short attention span
          • Sports to channel the energy
      • Low tol – focus / cult-follower – 细节控
    • 眼皮
      • 内敛 – 分析 – 所有周边问题 
      • 圆睁 – 直白 – get to the point
        • low analytical can appear rude
        • Get to the point / 打断发言
        • Bottom-line person
    • 外眼角低于内眼角
      • High critical – see every little error / Perfectionist
      • Need to be careful – precision -> surgeon
    • 深眼 – serious
  • Chap 6 – 眉
    •  反V型 – design appreciation
      • Architect / entrepreneur
    • 半月弯眉 – mechanical appreciation
      • 组装/整合零件
    • 下边直 – aesthetic apprecation
      • Need to identify what’s creating chaos in life
    • 眉眼间距低则affable, 高则discriminating
      • Discriminating – more selective / deliberate in acting
      • Affable – act right away / more formal
  • Chap 7 – 鼻
    • Ski-jump nose (ministrative) – love help others
      • 义工 – not good at handling money
      • 向上翘的鼻子
    • 罗马鼻 – want to be boss / price tag on everything
      • Pawn broker
      • Concave nose
      • 上下唇薄则管钱紧
    • 直鼻 – 罗马鼻与ski-jump nose之间
    • Bulbous nose – inquisitive (圣诞老人鼻)
      • 圆鼻 – nosier
      • 尖鼻 – 吝啬
    • 鼻 pointed – investigate
    • 鼻准头下方上升 – trusting nose – 易受骗
      • upturned nose
      • downturned nose – 则相反skeptic
    • 皮肤紧 + 鼻子尖 + 眼睛近 -> 洁癖
    • 大鼻翼 – 自强
  • Chap 8 – 口
    • 上唇薄 concise 厚 verbose
    • 生活艰难的人嘴唇变薄
    • 下唇厚则generous with time & money
    • 人中短 – take criticism personally
      • Extremely vain / image conscious
    • 人中长 – dry sense of humor – 别人可能觉得是冷嘲热讽
      • get the job done rather than how it would look
    • 口突出 – impulsiveness – 不经思考就做
    • 嘴角向上则乐观向下则悲观
  • Chap 9 – 下巴
    • 下巴广则authoratative, 下巴窄则non-authoritative
    • 下巴尖固执
      • 压力内集不释放
        • 发东西/痘, 三白眼
    • 方下巴 – love debate – 讼
    • 下巴前突 – tenacious, 毅力 – 反之低毅力
    • 下庭长度 – 从鼻子到脸底部 – physical motive
      • 越长越restless, 与短腿原理类似
      • 运动员
      • 下庭小则mental motive – 大学教授
  • Chap 10 – 颧骨
    • adventurousness – nomadic / love to travel
  • Chap 11 – 耳
    • 圆耳廓 – music appreciation
      • combine with straight eyebrow – aesthetics appreciation
    • 直耳廓 – 外沿 – pioneering
      • 科技前沿 + 为自己工作 – 不收领域束缚
    • 大耳垂 – gardening
    • 耳开口低于鼻 – 理想主义
      • 反之则实际
      • 恋爱中的理想主义
    • 耳向外张(招风) – high acquisitive
      • 反之耳贴头 – low acquisitive
      • High acquisitive := 收藏家 占有欲
    • 耳前头多 – think in future / forward-balance
      • forward-balance – 喜欢吸引注意力
    • backward-balance – broken record
      • Enjoy history , less limelight
      • When combined with
        • With intense feelings – 长拇指
        • 前眼距 close set eyes / low tolerance
        • 报复心强
    • 两耳前后错开 – indecision
  • Chap 12 头
    • 宽脸有自信,窄脸可能要过分准备能有自信
    • 额头圆 – maintainer, 方 – start new things
      • 方- construction – 可能都换career – shiny new object
    • 额头侧面看有角度后倾 – objective thinker
      • 垂直额头 – sequential thinker
      • objective thinker – 快问快答 – sequential thinker – step by step
      • Objective thinker 常见于需要快速反应的运动员
      • sequential thinker turned off by high pressure sales / tactics
        • Children who’s sequential thinker might be considered as slow learner
    • 发际线后有小山凸起 – imagination 
      • 创造力
    • 眉前额头倾斜 
      • A型 – 自上而下外倾 – 不耐心
      • V型 – 专注力强
    • 后脑勺宽前窄 – high competitive , 反之 low competitive
      • Wedge shaped viewed from top
      • high competitive – high achievers
        • sales
      • Similar to high progressive vs. low progressive

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