[Dec/2022-Archive-Feb/2022 | Marketing] From Nothing – Affiliate Marketing

Chap 1: Intro

  • Four paths of wealth online
    • 1. Content-based business monetized thru Ad
      • How to make $10K/month
        • If CPC
          • Assuming CPC, $1/click * 10K customer clicks per month = $10k per month
          • If Avg 3% CTR, need 330K visitors per month
          • If 1% CTR, then one million customers
        • If CPL (a sub-type of CPA)
          • If $10/signup, then 1k signups needed, assuming 1% CTR, then 100K customers, 10x easier than 1million customers
    • 2. Service-based business
      • Writer agency / SEO
      • Assuming you’re writer, $4 buy article, $6 sell article, profit $2
        • Then need 5K articles
      • If SEO agency
        • Then $1-5K per client per month, need 10 clients
        • But it’s not easy to get clients to pay 1K lol
    • 3. E-Comm business selling physical products
      • If selling $200 product with 50% commission, then $100 per product sold. If 1% conversion rate, then 10K visitors to make $10K per month
    • 4. Content-based business selling digital products
      • Digital products: profit margin high, but time & energy needed to create it
  • Two variables: num customers, dollar per customer
  • Free vs. Paid traffic
  • Three key skills (need at least one skill)
    • Get most money per traffic – conversion optimization
    • Inexpensive high-quality labor – service based business 
    • Inexpensive high-quality products – E-comm + physical product 

Chap 2: Mindset

  • No get-rich quick, maybe profitable in 12-18 months
  • High competition niches : a longer journey
    • Add extra 6~8 months to be successful
  • Evergreen niches: 
    • Health, Wealth, Relationship
  • Set goals which you have control – task oriented goals not dollar oriented goals

Chap 3: Niche

  • Author’s attitude for niche select: niche you like which you can provide most value for audience
  • Broad Niche vs. Narrow Niche
    • Broad niche to narrow niche
    • Broader niche bigger revenue cap
    • Too narrow niche : how many can you really write on the topic
    • Good niche – can identify 50 diff article ideas to be digged into
  • Buying Audience
    • buying vs. freeloading
    • Niches that people never buy:
      • Song lyric websites
      • Daily quote websites
    • Good example:
      • E1: Private Problem – people not discussing with family & friends to solve it
      • E2: Emotionally charged Problems – pet’s in pain, relationship woes etc.
      • E3: Product related searches
        • High-priced product especially good, people do more research, more value you add, more likely they buy through you.
  • Not just final solution
    • Intermediate tools also good
  • Competition: a little competition is a good thing
    • Why good? Sign money can be made; Can learn from competition;
    • But when oligarchy : 3~5 famous/established heavy hitter, very difficult
      • Example : Amazon / or Health.com, WebMD.com
  • Internet Marketing Economics
    • unit profit margin for marketer
    • Free trials
  • Good vs. Bad Niche
    • Women’s clothing – bad : too broad, generally too cheap (<$50)
      • However: Women’s athletic clothing better
    • Dachshund Discectomies: good niche
      • Meaning: Some kind of dog’s surgical procedure
      • Narrow enough + emotional time
      • Monetization: pet insurance, products that help pet recover from surgury.
    • Best phone cases – bad : too cheap (most of them) + not much to write about
      • Alternative: broaden topic to include phone insurance / replacement / protection / repairs
    • Drone Review – good: High priced
    • Tattoo Removal: Good Niche
      • A lot of info in the process
      • Difficulty is how to monetize this 
      • Maybe create a EBook
      • Or sell leads to clinics
  • When to move on
    • Fail early, fail fast, fail often

Chap 4: Website 

  • Domain
    • Exact match domain – no longer the case
    • “.com” is better for ranking
  • DONE – is author affiliated with bluehost?

Chap 5: Keyword Research

  • keyword research is important
  • Pick Scrap – target low volume keywords
    • Even the ones with <100 search per month
    • Steer clear of marketer who only target > several K search per months keywords
  • Keyword to content
  • Keyword metrics
    • At least 30 search per month
    • Low-competition preferred 
  • Qualified vs. Unqualified traffic
  • Free Keyword Tools
    • Best Free: Google Adwords Keyword Planner 
    • MozBar
      • PA / DA
      • Meta title & Meta Description
    • Heuristics using free keyword tool
      • Comfortable with “keyword not in meta title” and PA ~20s
  • Paid Keyword Tool
    • Majestic Metrics
    • Long tail pro
      • Trust & Citation Flow

Chap 6: High-quality Content

  • On-Page SEO
    • Insert keyword into title, meta title, meta description, URL slug
    • Yoast SEO – focus Keyword

Chap 7: Get Traffic 

  • Paid Traffic
    • PPC – Book Advanced Google Adwords (Brad Geddes)

Chap 8: Conclusion

  • Monetization
    • Dropshipping – physical good conversion rate typically 0.5-1%
    • Author recommends thinking about monetization once 75-100 visitor per day
    • For digital products, at least 200-300 per day, personally 700-1k per day
  • Value Ladder / Upsellser

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