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- Top-seller list / blockbuster
- Mainstream media vs. Individual Niche Media
- 98% of 10K albums sell at least one item a quarter
- Long-tail distribution
- 1. Tail of available variety far longer than we realize
- 2. Within reach economically
- 3. All those niches can be significant when aggregated
- Long tail – what happens when everything available to everyone
Chap1 The Long Tail
- Tyranny of Locality
- The biggest money in smallest sales
- Demand follow supply (more buyer after more niche category of products added)
- Cost effective

- Cost Effective for long-tail products (songs have no storage costs on iTunes)
- More categories can be sold online (since it has no physical cost)
Chap2 Rise & Fall of Hit
- From local culture to “connected” culture: “hits”
- Then “mass market” to “niche nation”
Chap3 History of Long Tail
- Centralized warehouse
- Catalog book for selling stuff – 1897 “Wish Book”
- Time-scheduling system to deliver orders – 10x more efficient, assembly line technique
- Superstore
- Food Store – King Kullen Store in Queens, NY
- Toll-Free calling – catalog shopping again
- Targeted niche of catalogs – direct mail marketing, response rate 1% is still profitable
- Phone Call + Credit Card
- E-Comm
- Start with books
- Book is one of the low-seller in EComm initially
- Web experience is bad in 1994, so selling in EComm should pick a category which customer experience much better on Web
- Book industry – seems mature at the time, two wholesaler with warehouse all over, opportunity of virtual retailer
- Other long tail
- Long tail of national security (warfare is only from countries), its monopoly decreasing due to:
- Democratization of tools (for the warfare)
- Niche producers (i.e. gangs)
- Amplifications of damage caused by producers of warfare
- Inexpensive attack vs. big economic/social events
- Acceleration of words of mouth
Chap4 Three forces of long tail
- First force – democratizing tools of production
- Personal Computer
- I.e. easier / cheaper to produce more music causes long-tail supply of records
- Act as “Producer/ToolMaker”
- Second force – cutting cost of consumption by democratizing distribution
- Bits vs. Atoms
- Act as “Aggregator/Distributor”
- Third Force – connecting supply & demand
- Google Search / iTunes recommendations / words-of-mouth
- Act as “Filters”

Chap5 The New Producers
- Neutrino Example – Amateur Astronomer to Help
- Democratizing tools of production
- Passive Consumer -> Active Producer, via new technology
- Example Wikipedia
- Controversial because everyone can write – probabilistic instead of completely accurate
- Wisdom of crowd
- Wikipedia does better than Britannica in the long-tail section
- Power of Peer Production – example of wikipedia
- Reputation Economy
- In the long-tail reputation is important
- In head vs. shoulder vs. tail, people have different treatments to copyright
- Self-publishing
Chap6 The New Markets
- Interloc Example – used book seller in 1980s, able to get funding in 1990s
- Two parts of book market before:
- ⅔ textbook efficiently around college campus
- ⅓ small used-book stores
- Aggregator – collects huge variety of goods and make them easy to find
- Democratizing distribution
- The lower price of selling, the more you can sell
- Business Aggregators
- Physical Goods : Amazon/Ebay
- Digital Goods : iTunes, iFilm
- Ad/Services: Google, Craigslist
- Information: Google/Wikipedia
- Communities/User-created content: Myspace
- Bits->Atoms: more long tail
- Amazon Evolution
- V1: Centralized Warehouse
- V2: Reduce inventory risk further – consignment program
- Author pay fees to ensure book is available lol
- V3: Bring big retailed online (big retailer, i.e. Target)
- Let the big retailer deal with inventory issues themselves
- V4: Marketplace program – down the tail, not just big retailer but also smaller ones
- V5: Print-on-demand
- V6: Completely bits
Chap7 The New Tastemakers
- Google as mediator of company reputation
- Recommendation system for songs
- Third force – tapping consumer sentiment to connect supply to demand – amplified word of mouth
- Filters
- In a world of infinite choice, context not content is king
- Netflix 30% new movie 70% old movie instead of the traditional 30% old move 70% new movie because Netflix has “Filter”
- Not all top ten lists are meanings – i.e. nobody cares if banana outsell soft drink in supermarket
- Quality as we go long-tail

- As tails get longer, signal to noise get worse, need more filter power

- Pre-filter vs. Post-filter
- Pre-filter: traditional market-research before producing the product (make sure it’s good stuff)
- Post-filter: by consumer
Chap8 Long Tail Economics
- Power Law
- Bottleneck of distribution distort demand – i.e. movie theater can only host ~100 movie per year

- Movie:
- Big box retail sell new release at loss, which “make blockbuster” live harder
- Long tail retailer – Netflix
- Price sensitivity of long-tail products – needs vs. wants – discount pricing
- Long tail -> Niche/Genre
Chap9 The Short Head – the world shelf created
- Head is important
- Only Long-tail example
- In comparison, iTunes – mainStream then add niche
- why MySpace a success? Because community + content combo, community help fans find obsecure music
- Urban – another example of “head”, at same time, city creates env where small niche can survive (i.e. NYC might have all niche foods in the world)
- Shelf is here to stay
- Shelf is wasteful, one sqft for shelf, 2~3 for aisle, checkout, common space.
- In 2005, retail rent $40/sqft
- Assuming 40% mark-up, need $100-150 sale per month
- Thus only the most profitable products let in
- Also one item is physical, means it doesn’t go to multiple category of “filter to help select”
- Walmart example
- Outdated classification System – Dewey Decimal System
- Shelf life
- Online retailer has “Search” ability
- Brick&Mortar store need “local” audience
- Creation of “Hits” – “Unpredictable Genius” vs. “Formula based stuff driven to sale”
- Example: Formulaic TV show
Chap10 Paradise of Choice
- Abundance of choice
- Amazon “search” ability helpful for choice among abundance
Chap11 Niche Culture
- Audience specific vs generic interest
Chap12 The Infinity Screen
Chap13 Beyond Entertainment
- Ebay
- “self-service model” from seller – 5M revenue per employee
- Lego
- Salesforce
- Three force of software – writing software , delivering/downloading software , serving software to web browser
- Google Ads
- Based on Search Keywords
- Software – reduce cost (automated auction process – everyone buy ads automatically)
- Publisher – keyword based ad serving / targeting
- Long tail of business, it’s AUC is world GDP
- Ads is in the business of “long tail business”
Chap14 Long tail rules
- Two big rules
- Make everything available
- Help me find it
- Nine small rules
- Lower your costs
- Inventory efficiency
- Let customers do the work, i.e. EBay
- Think Niche
- One distribution method doesn’t fit all
- One product doesn’t fit all
- Microchunking – eat when you want (short video)
- One price doesn’t fit all
- Lose Control
- Share Info (search faster, like “rank by price”)
- Think “And” not “Or”
- Trust market do your job
- Instead of “pre-filter” do “post-filter”
- Understand power of free
Chap15 Long tail of Marketing
- Chevy site – UGC ads
- Public Opinion
- Market Impact based on “incoming links”
Coda: Tomorrow’s Fail
- Third world country in long-tail
- Three types of “hits”
- 1. Authentic top-down, excellent product, start big and stay strong
- 2. Synthetic top-down, lame product, start big but plummet
- 3. Bottom-up hits, start small and becomes big