[Dec/2022-Archive-March/2022 | Personal] Tempo – Timing, Tactics and Strategy in Narrative Decision Making Notes

Chap1 Intro

  • Micro-decision vs. Macro-decision
    • Micro-decision – momentum & tempo
    • Buy book on Amazon is example of modern decision making
    • Choose college is macro decision making – need story / narrative to support
  • Tempo – decision-making
    • Tactical decision Making – scan to task
      • Apply every open resource to every open problem
    • Casanova’s dating & tempo
      • No overt decision-making
    • Clockless clock state
  • Tempo doodle 
    • two dimensions – positive vs. negative emotion, and big vs. small energy
    • Watch tempo change – emotion & energy
    • Tempo Awareness

Chap2 A Sense of Timing

  • Change of job/location – change of tempo
    • Some job defined by its tempo
  • Tempo = Rhythm + Emotion + Energy
  • Managing Tempo
    • Example: Driving Highway
    • Emotion & Timing
      • Use energy to change tempo
    • Situational awareness
      • Background – predictable rhythm, foreground – irregular elements
      • Situational awareness is about attuned to background
    • Workspace Rhythm
  • Go with the flow vs. Pace-setting vs. Dissonance
    • Pace-setting example: diff between early vs. late get-up/sleep
      • Workspace tempo
    • Dissonance – disrupting the flow
      • Recognize boredom
      • Boredom is opportunity for disruption
      • Workspace – talk over others
  • Interval Logic
    • Different combos for interval logic
    • Calendar art
      • Arrange your calendar for different emotional / energy 
      • Four-hour block for builder, one-hour block for manager

Chap3 Mental Model and Momentum

  • Situational Awareness
  • Mental Model
  • Momentum
  • Possible future/past emotions affect present decision-making
  • Decision Dynamic
    • Procrastination – add momentum to current Mental model while delaying to displace to new one
    • Second-guessing – ask you to resurrect dead mental models after you have killed them (via decision), next time you won’t have much momentum to begin with
    • Passive-aggression – kills posivie mental model & momentum
      • Example: VA dropping balls on a urgent sales email, pretending haven’t seen it
    • Time-out – momentum & emotional subside
    • Default – 温水煮青蛙
  • Archetype -> Doctrine
    • Ready-Fire-Aim
    • Resistance is Futile
    • Move Mountains
    • Enjoy the Ride
    • Do you Duty
    • Next shiny new thing
    • Like a Rock
    • Prepare to be assimilated
    • Maybe this will work
    • Die another day
  • Persuade people with their own favorite assertion

Chap4 Narrative Rationality

  • Narratives
  • Deep stories (i.e. I’ve always had to struggle in life)
    • Why-digging / five-way to find deep story
  • Process of planning is more important than plans
  • Story-structure
    • Rise-fall (freytag triangle)
    • Double freytag triangle
  • Different prototype deep story (deep story phases)
    • Liminal Passage – stillness
    • Exploration – volatile & dissipative
      • Stressful unknown-unknown
    • The cheap trick – Crescendo
      • Find exploitable pattern
      • Aha moment
      • Cheap – because locally & temporarily trick nature
      • Napoleon – defeat big army with smaller army is because he only fights where he have cheap tricks
      • Cheap trick is about drawing relevant boundary (what is relevant / can be hacked)
    • Sense-making – decrescendo with emotional relief
      • with cheap trick, you can compress info
      • Organizing insight – elegant & compelling, though not perfect
    • Valley – Steady,Slowing momentum
      • Diminishing return from cheap trick
      • Decision action without reward/validation
        • Charging ahead in dark
      • Longest & Most difficult at deep story
        • Hard to say anything about it
        • In movie, this is when underdog becomes stronger w\ inspirational music
    • Heavy-lifting: high-effort, low-coherence, increase in momentum
      • To exit valley
      • Mental model, would disintegrate in the absense of feedback/valley
      • Final burst with high entropy decision-making
    • Separation Event: Crescendo
      • Release externally, i.e. product release
      • Moment of truth
    • Retrospective: Decrescendo & Joy+Sorrow
      • Learn the lesson
      • If successful, cheap-trick validated, and use this to explain new reality
      • If fail, existential crisis
  • Narrative-time
    • Oscillating vs. event-driven
    • Freytag Staircase
      • Learning after deep-story
      • More learning more doctrine, less open-minded
    • Fundamental tempo
      • Rise & Fall in staircase as clock for life
    • Personal Narrative time
      • Timezone was created to coordinate European / American train stations
      • Calculative Rational vs. Narrative Rational
        • Calendar time (Year) vs. Personal Deep-story
  • Closed vs. Open world model
    • Open world contains unknown-unknown / black-swan
  • Thermodynamic Theology
  • Tetris – a game where entropy is increasing

Chap5 Universal Tactics

  • Metaphor ~ Visual + Tactile
  • Natural vs Artificial Behaviors
    • Risk: watching vs. doing to learn
    • Bootstrap: start with random exploration – aka play
  • Decision Patterns
    • Two dimensions:
      • Highly vs. Lowly aware of mental model
      • External vs. Internal Info
    • Deliberate / Reactive / Opportunistic / Procedural
    • Opportunistic has some meaning of serendipity
  • Enactment Style
    • faster tempo than opponent
    • Hierarchical – higher-level as low-freq modulation
    • Example: Fed’s tempo of interest rate – slower than market but faster than legislation

Chap6 The Clockless Clock

  • Externalize Mental Model
    • Calm & Relaxed at work as Mental Model -> pot-plant at work-desk
    • Communication: Mental Model -> Externalization (pot-plant) -> Other people’s perception of mental model
    • Design vs. Dance: seeing vs. doing
  • Field & Flow
    • System/Process thinking: Taylorism
  • Organizations

Chap7 Conclusion

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