[Feb/2023 | Business] Inside the Insurance Industry

  • Inside the insurance industry note
  • Company Legal Structure: Stock Company vs. Mutual Company
  • Departments inside Insurance Company:
    • How marketing is done: independent agent / exclusive agent / direct writer (GEICO/USAA)
      • Insurance broker vs. agent (the fiduciary duty is a bit diff)
      • Bid Rigging for insurance broker (maximize commission)
      • Commission structure: auto makers pay dealership bonus by “deader holdback” usually. Link – https://www.reddit.com/r/askcarsales/comments/b5waqw/how_does_a_shopper_find_out_what_the_dealer/
    • Claim adjuster: pay as little as possible to close the claim
      • Clauses in insurance policy are “court-tested” (case law etc.)
      • Adjuster have duty to clients (Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act Model language) – 弱爆的消费者保护法
      • Tricky example: voluntary damage insurance actually never provided coverage it’s designed for!
      • Each claim should stand on its own merits: i.e. when hail damage roof, new roof might not receive payment from claim while old roof might, because new roof not supposed to be damaged.
      • Insurance seems to have a lot of gray areas/flexibilities… – 水很深
      • Policy cancellation? Material change of risk
      • Homeowner insurance likely go up if claim filed.
      • Business vs. Personal insurance policy diff – business insurance evaluated on loss ratio, insurance company happy with 50% loss ratio. In personal side, insurance company look at frequency of claim. Underwriter thinks frequency breeds severity.
      • What if insurance claim denied – 1. Adjuster 2. Insurance agent (dual fiduciary duty, don’t want to lose insurance company more – cost maybe 100K, than lose insurance client – cost maybe 1K); 3. public adjuster, insurance consultant, attorney. 4. File complaint at commissioner of insurance.
      • Most of cases insurance adjuster handle it correctly.
      • Adjusters – some company use only inside adjuster, some company use external.
      • Author thinks the outside adjuster didn’t do a good job. Maybe due to lack of training/accountability.
    • Underwriter – risk is acceptable vs. unacceptable. Pricing authority.
      • In auto industry – preferred credit / tiered approach for pricing. Underwriters can make exceptions.
    • Policy Services – some quality consurance on insurance product.
    • Audit Department – whether commercial policy has changes.
    • Loss Control
      • Specific industry, i.e. reduce worker’s compensation injury
      • OSHA inspection for workplace
    • Legal department support claims department, determine which claims to fight & which external attorneys to use to fight the claims.
    • Actuary 
      • Analyze rate increase/decrease
      • Massage the numbers to say what you want to say 🙂 For example: based on company’s PnL
        • A trade off between not bankrupt vs. not competitive pricing
        • Also some adverse selection if price hike too much – i.e. best customer may leave
      • Factor based rate hiking instead of increase 10% in all of the state
      • Once figure out a pricing, depends on what kind of law in use, might need to file with state department (with / without approval – depending on specific law) before using it
    • Subrogation
      • Works with claims department to chase down who owes money to the insurance company – “bad guys”
        • I.e. car accident someone crashed you at-fault, insurance pays you and work on chasing down the party “at-fault”.
      • Becoming more aggressive chasing down – especially worker damage caused by unrelated third party 🙂
        • Usually demand letter then entitled to lawsuit
        • Can outsource to collection agency – can play hardball
    • Internal Audit
      • 内部监管+detect fraud
      • Some fraud types
        • 1. Adjuster 成立皮包公司给他付claim
        • 2. insurance agent: 客户给钱没帮客户买保险,保险premium进自己腰包
    • Product Dev
      • Be better than competitor
        • Marketing department 传入市场竞争信息给管理层
        • 管理层决定之后下令让product dev 开发新产品
    • IT
    • MGMT
      • Lobbying
        • Example 1. California Prop-103, Insurance heavily regulated as “public good” – rollback pricing
        • Example 2: Terrorism Risk Insurance Act – 恐怖分子引发的事件可以最后美国政府兜底
  • Reinsurance
    • Insure the insurance company
    • Three ways of reinsurance
      • Treaty – entire book / with exclusion
      • Facultative – case by case, i.e. a specific building
      • Bordereau – against specific set of risks
        • i.e. acquire all auto-insurance from another company
    • Reinsurance might cause premium to rise for all insurance products
  • Pricing
    • There might be tiers for personal insurance policy
      • i.e. car/home – can have discount for insurance
      • But insurance company to maximize profit won’t want others to know
    • Business insurance: even more flexibility
      • Experience rating
        • A-rates give underwriter the ability to price any price
      • Loss costs
      • Property rate: from ISO inspection
        • Factors including: frame vs. masonry, fire protection (distance to nearest fire station)
      • Commercial auto-pricing
      • The price might be higher  for you without your fault (to maximize profit)
  • External Parties
    • Public Adjuster – consumer advocates, paid by consumer, small amount of them available
    • Insurance consultant – third party that lets you know how good your insurance agent is
      • provide services such as exposure analysis & recommendations
  • Litigation
    • When insurance company rejects claims
    • Bad faith
      • Firth party bad faith vs. third party bad faith
      • very state-dependent
      • Hard to prove
  • Get the best deal
    • Need to have insurance knowledge
    • Very company dependent – for example: “property coverage” diff from company to company
    • How to vet insurance agent: Qs
      • 1. Strongest/weakest area
      • 2. What can you offer me that other agents cannot
      • 3. who writes you “personal insurance coverage” – some best agent have others write them to have extra eyes
      • 4. If do business, who handles my account, you or your customer service?
      • 5. Ask referral – 10 past clients
      • 6. What insurance company you represent? Their A.M. best ratings?
      • 7. Claim reputation of the insurance company you respect? Slow payer / tough payer?
    • Ask the diff between their quote & other agents’ quote
    • Alternative: Use third-party insurance consultant (fee-only) to help decide which is best. 

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