[Feb/2023 | Sales] Winning the toughest customer – Essential Guide Selling to Women

  • Women has more “word of mouth” influence / referral
  • Example: life insurance sales encounter a rambling female customer
    • Women tend to multitask, man tend to focus (gatherer vs. hunter)
  • Communication Style: Man vs. Women
    • How women view men’s communication style
      • Too pushy / Act superior / Lacks listening skills
    • Men talk to complete / achieve / make point / solve problems
      • Decision-to-action talk, not considering might be offensive to others
    • Women talk to collab / connect / share
      • More detailed less decisive, language of people who had to survive & grow without physical control
    • Man & Man complete, women & women share commonality (achieve vs. connect)
  • Women’s talk characteristics
    • 1. More expressive, more adj than nouns/verbs
    • 2. More indirect
    • 3. More collab less competitive
    • 4. More emotion words
    • 5. Intonation more like questions
    • 6. Hedge more in convo
    • 7. Use more nonverbal cues
    • 8. Take longer to commit to opinion
    • 9. Better Grammer less jargon
    • 10. More words that convey imprecise quantitives (i.e. “so”/”such”)
  • Adapter talking style to women
    • 1. Use adj / be expressive
    • 2. Be Patient (after you think women finish her rambling, count to 4 before you start talking)
    • 3. Collaborative
      • Need inputs from friends & family before decision
    • 4. Don’t fix a problem, express a feeling
    • 5. Use emotion words but don’t abuse
    • 6. Avoid slang/jargon, be formal
  • Use feeling + relationship + context
    • Listening – let women customer lead the convo direction
    • Address women’s feeling
    • Value proposition might be reduce her stress from a lot of things going on (family life)
    • Relationship more important for female customer
  • Avoid high pressure sales
    • High pressure := impersonal objective deal sweetener
    • Hard sell might make product seem untrustworthy, give her sense of trustworthiness will increase sale
    • Low-pressure is better (slower pace also)
    • Signs of trouble from her body language – withdrawing / anxious / frowning / tight-lips
    • More likely to buy when collaborative dynamic / win-win
  • Active listening:
    • Responsive listening – I’m with you
      • Reassuring phrase – “If I understand you correctly” / “I see” etc.
      • Occasionally, “Hmm, Uh-huh, Ok” (same active listening from JB/Wolf of Wall Street)
    • Paraphrasing – feel reassured & supported
      • What’s to be avoided is the “echo technique” (repeating without paraphrasing)
    • Avoid “I know what you need” before she finish / show respect
  • Don’t contempt your client
    • Cannot capitulate to frustration
  • Women like politeness + formality (self-intro)
  • Saying her name but don’t overdo
    • Shows effort to reach out to her
    • Sense of co-op
    • Try to say her name at least three times in the sales meeting
  • Right Env – make offer clean & organized
    • Women notice more details (i.e. dirt)
  • Eye contact (Similar to JB’s sell to opposite gender vs. same gender)
    • For women – it’s respect & connecting
    • For men: it’s challenge / competition
  • Empower clients
    • Avoid impress her with list of data/facts
    • Educate her on the product she inquire & recommend some product
      • Empower her with Info 
  • Women need to “feel product” before buying, Men is more “see-think-act” – very fast action.
  • Objection – “I need to think about it”
    • Means she need more info
    • Tactics for overcoming this objection
      • 1. Lock-in points that are winners for her
      • 2. Frame objection as a misunderstanding and take responsibility for it
        • Women tend to react in a supportive way – “No, you actually made it very clear this product is valuable in X,Y, and Z”
      • 3. Reframe the value
        • Example: Quality (last longer & better)
        • Detail the benefits to make she feel the value of the product is higher
      • 4. Share relation
        • “I have this other female business owner who bought this same product and etc.”
        • Social proof + another women + remember previous customer’s detail (care about customer’s needs)
      • 5. Use her need as ammu to create a dose of urgency
        • “You said you need to buy a house before your child starts the school year..”
  • Seven steps produre (a summary)
    • 1. Encounter – Like?
      • Common ground: i.e. family comment (you have a daughter who’s 13, I have a son who’s 14, soon they will be harder to manage)
    • 2. Gather Info – Heard?
    • 3. Understand – Understand?
      • Summarize the info from info-gather & demonstrate understanding of her unique needs
    • 4. Share knowledge – Trust?
      • Avoid: Presuming Customer via mind-read is disrespectful
      • Play support role
      • Educated buyer feel justified to spend more
    • 5. Fill the need – Benefit?
      • Establish as a sales who appreciates the changing needs / accomodate & provide better solution
    • 6. Agreement – Feel good about commitment? <- There will be objections here. 
    • 7. Commitment – Trust this relationship?

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