[Jan/2023 | Sales] Super Connector Notes

  • 2/5 东拼西凑干货不多
  • Connection need to be deep instead of shallow (i.e. connect on LinkedIn and never talk again)
    • Superconnector not networker 
    • Networking is transactional in nature, connecting is adding value.
  • Connector types 
    •  Thinker / Enabler / Executor
  • Giftology
  • Smaller city (small city in midwest / Boston) vs. Bigger city (i.e. LA)
  • Curiosity
    • Instead of “What do you do?” Ask “What’s the most exciting thing about your job? / What do you look above and beyond your job?”
  • Anchor
    • Connector’s connector
    • Referral: pre-heat the other associates to a stage, and begin with “hot lead”. 
  • Pyramid of Influence
    • How to meet Hillary Clinton – befriend her executive assistant
    • People lower on totem pole get a portion of attention for the ones on top of the pyramid 
  • Build network
    • Home cooking session (invite guests to cook in home) – build bond
    • Use remarkable experience to get guests talking (i.e. ski resort)
  • Power of weak ties
  • If you treat celebrity like a fan, you will be treated like one (celebrity’s defense go up, surface-level exchange).

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