[Jan/2023 | Marketing] Fundamentals of Copy Writing (Youtube Course)

  • Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWNYE5yVOzk&ab_channel=CopyThat%21
  • Overall remark – 水平很一般,干货很少,但是它主要的干货出自”Break-through copywriting”. 考虑到书的推荐,给个3/5.
  • Two school of Ads: Indirect Response vs. Direct Response
    • Direct response – immediate action
    • 感觉direct response怎么看上去就像spam?
    • 作者推荐direct response
  • 5 stages of awareness (from “Breakthrough Copywriting”)
    • Unaware -> Appeal to identity (since person isn’t aware of the problem)
    • Problem Aware -> Provide solution
    • Solution Aware -> Provide product
    • Product Aware -> more feature in product
    • Most Aware -> final objection overcome in product
  • Awareness five stage useful in retargeting campaign – different layers in retargeting funnel apply different message
  • Dimensionalization (make feature make more emotional / make buyer more able to feel the benefit)
    • From book Breakthrough advertising again. 

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