[Jan/2023 | Business] Organizational Physics

  • Four forces: Producing / Stabalizing / Innovating / Unifying
  • Organization – complex adaptive system
    • System Energy Mgmt
    • Success = Sum(Integration / Entropy), Integration – eat energy from system, Entropy – drain energy
    • Example of Entropy: family in divorce have little extra energy for anything else.
    • Company that has high entropy but temporarily get energy from sales – will compound the problem (a bad acquisition / merger)
  •  Happy high achiever – get more energy from each relationship
    • Some entrepreneur feels their business is energy drainer, only wish to sell it later
    • Genius zone – what % of entrepreneur’s time in that
    • I.e. If someone is creative visionary but bogged down in details -> unhappy
  • Four forces: Producing / Stabalizing / Innovating / Unifying
    • Four forces in detail: 
      • Producing = Parts + Shape, verbs: generate / make / transform
      • Innovating = Whole + Shape, verbs: create / entrepreneur / invent
      • Unifying = Whole + Respond, verbs: integrate / harmonize / coalesce
      • Stabalizing = Parts + Respond, verbs: regulate / admin / systemize
    • Parts vs. Whole
      • Parts – Structured & Short-view
      • Whole – Unstructured & Long-view
    • Respond vs. Shape
      • Respond – Process Oriented & Slower Pace
      • Shape – Result Oriented & Faster Pace
  • Example Roles & Personalities
    • Entrepreneur – PsIu
    • CEO
      • PSIu (calculated operator – war-time CEO / ruthless execution)
      • PsIU (visionary to rally bigger team/market, peace-time CEO / form alliances)
    • Implementor – PSiu
    • Sales
      • Salesperson – Psiu
      • Sales Manager – PsiU
      • PSiu – accurate contract / scalable sales process
      • Client relationship manager – pSiU
  • The different personalities are formed by energy management, induced by habits.
  • Management is application of force (i.e. productive/stabalizing/innovative/unifying force).
    • Apply different management forces under different situations.
  • Big P
    • Hammer the nails – high motivation tactical
    • Interactions:
      • OK with S as long as not too much unnecessary barriers
      • Like I’s big picture but don’t like need to refocus / change direction
      • View U as sycophants, but U can overcome obstacles.
  • Big S
    • Planning – Efficiency > Efficacy
    • Interaction
      • Don’t mind producer as long as P follows procedures
      • Distrust I, new ideas causes new works/headaches.
      • Try to avoid U, because U need emotional energy.
  • Big I
    • Mad Genius
    • Interaction
    • View other I as competition, appreciate P to execute their vision but sometimes feels P are boring, dislike S who say no a lot, enjoy U
  • Big U
    • Team Builder
    • Smooth things over + feeling the other side
    • On a sales call, P more likely to hear what the client is saying but U can feel what the client is feeling. Build rapport + motivate others.
    • Interaction
      • Get well with other types, but for other Big U compete for political power.
  • Traditionally, Men more likely PsIu while women more likely pSiU
  • Business partner
    • Apple: Steve Jobs (PsIu) + Tim Cook (PSiU)
  • Forms of energy for a business
    • Money – stored energy
    • Resources – other resources
    • Clout – good will / reputation
  • Good companies have ways to extract energy effectively (via its own ecosystem/methodology)
  • Align capability (unique vs. general) to opportunity (growing vs shrinking)
    • Match growing opportunity with unique capability
  • Product Life Cycle
    • Four Phases – 1. Pilot, 2. Nail, 3. Scale, 4. Milk
  • Market Life Cycle
    • Crossing the Chasm: 1. Innovators, 2. Early Adopters, 3. Early Majority, 4. Late Majority
    • Crossing the Chasm – big diff between stage-2 & stage-3. 
  • Execution Life Cycle
    • Birth – psIu – highly innovative
      • Need to be very conscious – cost effective : “just enough” for costs
      • Too much spending on early stage is bad
      • Making large investments before concept proven / Presupposing demand / arrogant / scaling up too early.
      • If too much system too early, will dampen the ability to innovate. 
    • Pilot – Psiu – get verifiable result for customers
      • Symbol to early growth / pilot phase – got the product right & start to make sales (and want to buy “more”). 
      • What could be done -> What need to be done.
      • Move fast!
      • Find the PMF!
      • Support its early adopter customers, even though there’s no systems yet. 
      • Invest heavily into infra/systems/staff too heavily before true PMF presuppose demand and wrongly assumes the PMF is perfect. Heavier ships are more difficult to pivot. 
      • Still cost-conscious.
    • Begin to scale to early majority – PSiu
      • Scale via System.
      • Make sure system not too much bureaucracy / overhead.
      • Mission Critical mistakes in this stage:
        • Wrong people / Wrong position / Give up too much or not enough control 
      • 牢记使命,勿忘(entrepreneurial)初心
    • Fully scale to early majority – PSIu – avoid  commodity trap
    • Scale to late majority – PSIU
  • Life Cycle Strategy
    • Four key metrics: 1. Market Growth Rate, 2. Competition, 3. Pricing Pressure, 4. Net Cash Flow
      • Quadrant four (Phase-4) is the “commodity trap” where company cannot charge the premium (race to the bottom) – should be avoided as long as you can.
    • Financing / Funding
  • Three Strategic Follies
    • 1. Face Plant
      • Solving a problem market already considered solved!
      • i.e. yet another personal financial management software that can’t compete with quicken / mint etc.
    • 2. Flame out
      • Try to scale prematurely – Phase1 to Phase3 directly
    • 3. The lost opportunity
      • Didn’t scale fast enough before market window closes, phase2 -> phase4 directly (commodity trapped)
  • Market Segment
    • Startup shall ignore the late majority clients, and only find innovative / trail-blazer clients. Do NOT ask a dinosaur (industry incumbent) “what do they need”.
      • Example: Square initially target user (business owner) who has smart phone but cannot accept credit card payments.
  • Custom-driven development (sell, design, build) – masters phase 1 & 2 as well. 
  • Execute Fast – Momentum
    • Newton’s Three Laws
      • 1. Inertia (Organization’s Inertia)
      • 2. F = M * A. Mass is Organization’s resistance to change. 
        • Mass – example: In US, 300M people with different background & needs, resistance to change very high. “Never waste a good crisis” – when crisis, resistance is much lower, easier to make things happen. 
      • 3. Every action has equal & opposite reaction. When scaling fast, systems & teams are falling apart which need active management (this is the opposite reaction). 
    • Gathering the mass – mass in the organization is scattered throughout, need to “gather the mass” first before enact changes. 
  • Four components
    • 1. Vision & Value
      • Shared vision where the organization is going (ship’s destination)
      • Great leader create shared vision / value – i.e. Israel & Palestine hard to negotiate because vision / value so different
      • Starters – train for long-term career dev
      • Bench – train for task proficiency
      • Free Agents (Mercenaries) – don’t put in critical/leadership positions, use sparingly in tasks that require specialized skills. Short term compensation – i.e. bonus.
      • Waivers – throw away
    • 2. Structure
      • Structure shall follow functionality
      • Misalignment
        • Inertia
      • Rule #1 – when strategy change, also change the structure
      • Rule #2 – don’t let function focused on efficiency in charge of functions focused on effectiveness
      • Rule #3 – don’t allow functions that focus on short-range results control functions that focus on long-range dev
      • Rule #4 – balance autonomy / control
        • Closer to customer (i.e. Sales) have more autonomy, centralized like legal have more control
      • Rule #5 – right person in the right role (p/s/i/u style of person)
    • 3. Decision-Making & Implementation Process
      • Rhythm should be “Slow-quick”. Slow to make good decision, quick to implement. 
        • When team tries to go quick-quick, actually it will be quick-slow.
        • Rapid fire decision making isn’t good (Fire-Ready-Aim)
      • Authority (Crown)
        • Example someone doing a project, need to purchase something, VP of finance cannot say “Ok, here’s your check” – VP of financing needs authority from someone else first. 
      • Power (Lever – Help or Hinder) 
      • Influence (Church)
      • For a big task, you need authority+power+influence coaleased to push forward
      • Unfreezing the mental inertia (clear the context to fully focus on the decision)
    • 4. People

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