[Jan/2023 | Investing] Series I saving Bonds – Investing for Safety & Inflation Protection – Lisa Hay

  • 两种US saving bond – EE bond & I bond
    • Benefit
      • close to zero default rate (backed by US Treasury)
      • Tax Benefit (no local/state tax)
    • Downside
      • No secondary market, can only cash-in/redeem
      • Need 6-12 onth before cash-in
      • In first five year, 3 months penalty for early redeem
  • EE-bond vs. I-bond
    • Series EE fixed rate, with principle guaranteed to double in maturity, Series-I bond change interest rate every six month
    • Both max 10K investment per year per SSN
    • Buy from Treasury Direct Online
    • I-bond rate – based on fixed + variable rate
      • Formula: Fixed + 2 * CPI_U + Fixed * CPI_U
      • Combined rate not allowed to be negative
      • I-bond 低通胀/经济差的时候收益差
    • EE-bond held to maturity 会有更好的收益,但若不hold to maturity 可能收益更差(因为principle 不double)
  • US saving bond vs. TIPS
    • TIPS – not tax deferred 
    • TIPS has secondary market, no seasoning needed. Low CPI will value decrease, but US-saving bond guarantees the principal(保本).
  • Tax deferred – meaning no tax until cash in
  • 30 year maturity for I-bond, 20 year maturity for EE-bond. 
  • 教育基金的优惠 – waive federal tax if used towards EDU
  • EE – bond 固定利率基于美国十年期国债

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