[Jan/2023 | Sales] The Charisma Myth

  • Charisma isn’t magic but learned behavior
  • Charisma = Power + Warmth + Presence
  • 三个小技巧
    • Less uptone / 少点头附和 / 说话前停两秒
  • Presence
    • Lack of presence: 别人说话时没有注意力
      • Can be perceived as in inauthentic/disingenuous
    • Practice Presence: Mindfulness techniques
  • Power & Warmth
    • 不仅取决于自身表现更有周围的反馈
    • 演化的生存本能
  • Body language – 难以微操,应该由内而外的由mind state 投射出来
    • 诊断+修复 不好的内心状态
    • 创造心理状态的方法包括anchor (absolute confidence state) + visualization etc.
    • Use body posture to reverse affect mind state. 
    • Techniques:
      • Mirroring / Personal Space / Eye Contact
      • Posture:
        • Big Gorilla (多占空间有力量感)
        • Regal – 没有点头附和/语句中不自信的ummm../fidgeting
  • Diff Charisma Style
    • Focus / Visionary / Kindness / Authority
  • Active listening
  • Diff color for clothing projects different meaning

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