- 几句话总结:
- 基于跨越鸿沟的科技传播周期理论
- 科技公司 – 成为标准,赢家通吃
- Proprietary & Open protocol
- Gorilla / Chimp / Monkey vs. King / Prince / Serf
- Enabling tech vs. App Gorilla 能级差异
- Gorilla game – VC perspective – 避免Tech-risk (can it work) & Mkt risk (will ppl buy it) – 只take financial risk (profitable or not) & ppl risk (are these the people who can build it) – By only buying proven tech in hypergrowth mkt
- Economic value added theory – 公司额外价值作为DCF时间序列中的抛物线
- hypergrowth抢占市场时 sale比earning更重要, price/sales比price/earning更重要
- 尚未完全跨越鸿沟的科技市场,价值链一定有什么问题
- 投资者 – when will last remaining constraint be removed & by whom?
- 阻止tornado的是复杂度
- 标准化, 易用化
- Intro
- Tech Adoption Life Cycle
- Chasm/Tornado framework
- Gorilla Game Investor
- Mid stock picking / mid tech sector knowledge
- Tech Adoption Life Cycle
- Chap 1
- 例子: 1998年微软市值高
- Both P/E & P/S
- High Tech
- Discontinuous Innovation
- Makes outcome uncertain
- Disappear vs. Niche vs. Mainstream
- 动力系统 – 非线性变化
- 旧系统一开始resist change
- 从不变到瞬变 – 瞬变之时为hypergrowth
- 旧态到新态
- When hypergrowth happens
- 30%-40% QoQ is not untypical
- 需要standalone products from single vendor
- 标准化
- 成为标准 – 赢家通吃
- 新兴市场(刚进入hypergrowth的)估值/市值比成熟市场高
- Discontinuous Innovation
- Essence of the Game
- Finding marketing transitioning into hypergrowth
- 买一个gorilla candidate list
- As gorilla emerge, consolidate 仓位on gorilla
- Hold the gorilla for long-term
- Sell gorilla when 新科技可能对其降维打击
- Gorilla Game的好处
- 1. Lots of Upside
- 2. Limited Downside – 因为市场进入hypergrowth是前提
- 3. 容错率高 – 时间/选股不需要完美
- 与其他投资类型的对比
- Concept investing
- Earlier, whereas gorilla investing invest later & based on actual revenue
- Theme investing
- 同: 都是identify hypergrowth mkt
- 异: theme investing全投, 本书只投大猩猩
- 与价值投资完全相反
- Gorilla stock almost never undervalued
- 是一种growth investing
- Concept investing
- 例子: 1998年微软市值高
- Chap 2 – 与 inside tornado + cross the chasm 相似
- Tornado theory
- Discontinuous innovation
- 买discontinuous innovation者需要infra也up & running, e.g. car w\o highway
- Tech Adoption Cycle
- Tech enthusiasts -> visionary -> pragmatist -> conservatives -> skeptics
- 大猩猩投资者 – 看visionary, 等pragmatist 站位脚跟,好股在conservatives时亦能升值
- 早期市场
- e.g. 当时的EComm – 有网上买书/CD, 但未主流化
- Key Characteristic
- 大Deal / 大手笔买入新科技
- Executive 大改革 – 高风险
- 公司用此科技作为edge, 所以一家vendor往往没有competitor as customer
- 有大量偏服务的consulting firm帮企业应用此新科技,相比之下,tornado阶段,服务型的consulting service会大减少 – 而是更低价/标准化
- 大Deal / 大手笔买入新科技
- The chasm – 特别艰难的一段时间
- visionary 和pragmatist中间的gap
- 高不从低不就
- visionary猜测可能edge小,易抄袭 – start to lose interest
- pragmatist还在观望
- vendor的竞争对手开始诋毁
- 逆水行舟,不进则死
- 大猩猩投资者避免Chasm风险
- Bowling Valley – market penetration
- 顾客往往是departments with broken / mission-critical business process, 有痛点
- 例子: Customer Support Software Mkt
- 1990s 寻找痛点进入Bowling Valley
- 此类客户需要end-to-end solution
- Vendor需与其他公司合作构建完整价值链
- 新价值链产生意义重大 – 大猩猩投资者真正关注的
- Not yet mass market, only growth not yet hypergrowth
- 在bowling valley, growth is niche by niche, 但未mass market
- 有些市场always niche but never mass-market
- 此类的end-game好的利润空间但没有大猩猩级的估值
- The tornado – hypergrowth
- Pragmatist adopt en masse (herd dynamics)
- 会出现一个大猩猩,什么导致一个大猩猩
- 不是因为竞争优势而是因为市场渴望被标准化
- 例子:作为行业标准的数据库
- 大概3-5年
- Main Street
- Market Attention shift towards 微调
- e.g. 十五寸电视 vs. 十九寸电视
- 这意味着市场重心从内部因素price/performance 变成外部因素 – 用户界面/用户满意
- 换皮
- no longer focus on获取新客户,而是维系旧客户
- from market share to margin share
- 股价会跌,现在股价include / expect future hypergrowth
- 但大猩猩投资者跌了不应该慌,应该hold & 加仓
- 所有相关产品都得服务大猩猩创造的行业标准
- 微调的标准干死竞争对手 (Windows to Netscape on Browser)
- Market Attention shift towards 微调
- 后期主导的权力结构是tornado-phase形成的
- Inertia – cost of switching
- your gain/loss customers in tornado for life
- Only company whose mkt share increases is the gorilla
- Product EOL – 当取代的产品开始tornado
- Substitution threat per Michael Porter (Competitive Advantage)
- 最后期 – 服务(维护此科技)外包化, use a hassle-free service instead of maintaining it in-house
- Product lead to Service lead
- Chap 3 Gorilla Power
- Competitive Advantage – Michael Porter
- Value Chain – 权力结构
- e.g. IBM – compatible
- Get more customer: market leader effect
- 头部 – more press coverage, better shelf space, shorter sales cycle
- 更多的合作机会
- pragmatic customer 对不用行业标准很紧张
- Keep more customer – barrier to entry (keep competitor out) + switching cost (keep customer in)
- Drive costs down
- 大猩猩把价值链中低成本高价值的留给自己,垃圾的留给别人
- outsource the low value work
- Keep Profit Up
- Proprietary Open Architecture with high switching costs
- 借鉴于computer wars
- Proprietary: 一个公司有完全控制 (相反则是commitee)
- Open: interface公开
- 标准一旦制定改变难 – e.g. 开车左行 vs. 右行
- Hypergrowth market 中需要让增长无瓶颈,故proprietary+open
- Proprietary优势在于可变的快+coherent
- Open则vendor可以dev product in parallel
- Committee controlled令消费者可以pick best of breed, 但变化步伐慢
- 大猩猩如msft可以drive others profit margin down while their own go up
- Proprietary 与switching cost交织的四象限
- 1. Non Proprietary but high switching cost
- Easy to keep customers but no edge acquire new ones
- Stable / long-lived / modest premium over commoditized margin / lower bucket valuation than gorillas
- 2. Proprietary but low switching cost
- Example: Browser – Netscape
- Easy to try, but without long-term commitment
- Good margin if product is best in class, but need to keep innovating, otherwise stock will dive down
- 不稳没有护城河
- 3. Non-proprietary & low-switching cost
- Pure commodity marketplace where execution rules
- Low margin
- 1. Non Proprietary but high switching cost
- Gorilla vs. Chimp vs. Monkey
- Monkey = 100%复刻gorilla at discount
- Live & Die purely on execution
- If gorilla change rules, Monkey must change theirs as well
- Monkey没有护城河, market share is illusion, 大猩猩可随时获取其市场份额
- Attractive for short-term opportunistic investor but not long-term B&H
- Chimp = who tried to pick gorilla but don’t get picked, proprietary architecture, not compatible with gorillas
- 与Monkey相反的问题,难获客容易留客
- Chimp只有两条路可选
- 1. 打大猩猩 – 太难了
- 2. niche化成为local大猩猩
- 再加上比gorilla更平易近人
- Chimp的难处 – 新顾客join gorilla故市场份额随时间衰退
- Chimp苹果与微软的PC之战
- Monkey = 100%复刻gorilla at discount
- Gorilla-less tornado (King / Prince / Serf)
- Mass market with non-proprietary standards
- King vs. Prince vs. Serf
- King是market-leader但无architecture control故没有一日得闲
- 比第二名2x市场份额
- Prince 10-15%市场份额
- 在没有架构护城河的世界, prince也有upside
- 没架构 – prince可相互merge – 没有互斥的prop architecture
- Serf <= 1% market share
- Commodity mkt
- 例子 – screen save 等不能吸引巨头竞争的
- 在下一代软件很可能巨头自有此功能
- 最好情况卖给巨头,最坏情况从头再来
- King’s power isn’t as persistent/dramatic as gorillas
- 非proprietary 系统king/prince/serf – 价格战压力
- Industry Position
- Layers – Electricity / Semiconductor / Hardware / System Software / App Software
- Enabling Technology (Non-App software) vs. Application software
- Enabling Tech的大猩猩更有power
- Enabling tech的市场份额集中于gorilla
- App software的chimp不怕大猩猩
- 而enabling tech的大猩猩极强
- Infra的大猩猩可以克制app的公司
- Enabling tech随时间越来越多 – 如database etc.
- Enabling tech有industry power, consumer application有consumer power
- Consumer power在tornado之前有用,因为Consumer app可以吸引客户,而后期客户涌入,则巨头(enabling tech)收益(infra收益)
- Enabling Tech的大猩猩更有power
- Competition among layers
- 例子 – mainframe computer市场
- hardware主导
- 例子 – mini computer 市场
- sys software主导,Oracle port its software onto every hardware
- 使其软件层成为标准
- 又如unix
- sys software主导,Oracle port its software onto every hardware
- 例子 – 网络市场 – networking hardware
- 随着email “killer app” 嫌弃多个风暴
- 例子 – 个人电脑 – 微软OS的enabling tech稳居霸主之位,intel作为半导体的enabling layer也有很大的话语权,而app layer, 微软而造office suite 整合一些功能
- 例子 – mainframe computer市场
- Competition between gorillas
- Gorilla in local market needs
- 1. Scalability, 2. barrier to entry
- Mere scalable market likely touch other gorilla’s turf, harder to keep other companies out
- Higher barrier to entry, usually more complex & harder to scale
- Trade-off between scalability vs. barrier to entry
- Barrier to entry are for short term, scalability safe for long term
- Scalability的蛊王之路与barrier to entry的偏安江南
- Gorilla in local market needs
- When Gorilla fight
- 1. 一个submerge/输了 – redefined as chimp 导致股价崩盘
- 2. 持久僵局
- severe price erosion, 股价上限下降
- 3. 赢了则股价大胜
- Intel的大猩猩力
- ultra-high switching cost
- IBM 选择intel是关键节点
- early 1980s
- 之后msft OS specifically written for intel chip
- Intel延续大猩猩力
- scheduling of tornados
- 1. 奔腾等处理器一代又一代
- 2. 加功能, e.g. floating points, some graphical processor, 减少竞争对手的力
- 3. motherboard制造
- AMD是monkey
- 同比1990-1996
- Intel 12x while AMD 2x
- scheduling of tornados
- Gorilla被技术革命
- Lotus 1-2-3曾是spreadsheet的大猩猩然而被excel技术革命
- 大猩猩如何防御技术革命 (竞争对手10x强) – e.g. Intel CISC vs. RISC
- 1. 散步谣言 – FUD
- 2. 抄别人的RISC(优秀的)feature并整合进下一产品
- 如果gorilla能在被完全干掉之前generate一个新技术的gorilla alternative, 则可能就被挽救
- 网景浏览器 vs. Msft
- 用户第一个看的就是网景浏览器,对msft产生威胁
- gorilla治未病 – guard against a standard that doesn’t exist yet
- 市场不希望gorilla被干掉because it’s too important in the haystack
- Chap 4 – 大猩猩的股价估值
- 大猩猩look like hot company in hot category, 但作者认为市场还是undervalue这个的
- discounted cashflow/NPV
- VC担忧四种风险
- tech risk – can it work?
- mkt risk – will ppl buy it?
- financial risk – profitable?
- ppl risk – are these the people who can do it?
- Gorilla game investor避免前两中风险
- only buy proven tech in hypergrowth mkt
- 对于一个公司 – 当市场都不看好其股票的时候,不能得到funding – 只能最多得到估值大幅缩水的
- 所以衰败之时更不能投入激进的discontinuous innovation, 无钱/时间to make it happen (弱者越弱)
- 每个公司的估值(DCF)取决于一个return / time (抛物线形状的线下的面积)
- 大猩猩公司和一般公司相比 – 面积更大,几个因素
- 抛物线高度更高
- 与一般公司的抛物线高度差源自于Competitive advantage gap – 原因
- 1. inside tornado – 速度快
- 2. market leader – pragmatist buyer more likely choose it
- 3. set standards & attract partners & extract more value from value chain
- 与一般公司的抛物线高度差源自于Competitive advantage gap – 原因
- 抛物线宽度更宽 – competitive advantage period
- 一般公司的competitive advantage hard to sustain 因为competition
- 而gorilla advantage更持久 – 原因
- 1. initial hypergrowth 3-5 years,而之后main street adoption更久
- 2. 在此浪潮中, gorilla power随时间增长强者越强,非gorilla处境越发艰难
- 3. 价值链上的共生关系使得其他公司维护gorilla 生存
- 抛物线高度更高
- Economic value added理论(EVA)
- 有几个return等级
- zero return / bond return / loan return / risk adj return
- 用EVA解释传统现象
- 1. rates go down – risk-adj return go down
- econ value added go up – 基准线下降公司额外值/股价上升
- this assumes interest rate on loan go down will cause risk-adj return also go down
- 2. taxes go up, ret go down
- 3. Better execution (tactics)
- Higher height but not increased width because sustainability isn’t increased
- Hypergrowth market 中抢占市场重要,此时price/sales比price/earning更重要
- e.g. 抢占电脑市场dell 7.6x price/sales while others about 1x price/sales
- 例子 – Cisco gorilla 19x P/S, Cisco作为data switch的gorilla与ascent/lucent作为voice-switch的gorilla, 为何市场更看好cisco
- Lucent文化习惯垄断而cisco在竞争中成长
- 4. Improved Sustainability
- 1996-1997 IBM mainframe computer因为network computing进展而认为mainframe useful life会增加.
- 5. Inside tornado
- (a) higher, (b) wider, (c) lower cost of capital (lower risk-adj return)
- Category Valuation -> Company Valuation
- Gorilla: 最高最宽, 与category valuation同寿
- Chimp: 高度有限长度有限
- Chimp 能起事因为有innovation而gorilla能防守因为能抄chimp / 用standard阻止chimp的创新星火燎原
- Chimp会有增长速度高于gorilla的时刻然而盈不可久
- Torando中市场对于gorilla的认知也在修正
- 更宽更高 – 从而面积更大
- 6. End of tornado
- 在公司营收低于预期时,宽度和高度都减少
- 在公司营收高于预期时,只有高度增加而宽度不变
- 因为management往往用将来来填补earning预期(幕后尽力不让earning低于预期 – doing everything they can) – 所以当earning真的无预兆落空时往往意味公司有大问题
- End of tornado时,Gorilla晋级main street而chimp不行 – 需要把chimp股票卖掉
- 7. Death of gorilla
- 新的discontinuous innovation干掉gorilla
- 宽度有终点
- 所以随时间推移估值下降
- Risk Adj Return上升
- 因为不再是gorilla – risk基准线上升了
- 传播顺序 – 墙倒众人推
- 1. industry partner
- 2. financial community
- 3. 顾客 – switching cost -> denial circle
- 1. rates go down – risk-adj return go down
- 有几个return等级
- Chap 5 科技股地形图
- Vertical market system (垂直领域)
- local gorilla, specialized, high barrier to entry
- stable market-cap, low volatility
- 上限有限
- Semiconductors
- Part of gorilla game, high switching cost
- Services
- No gorilla in this sector (Gorilla need proprietary system with high switching cost)
- Professional services
- Complexity means harder to scale up
- Attn to detail / custom solutions / domain expertise
- Scarce resource, cannot hypergrowth
- Has intellectual property, but no switching cost (high turnover in consulting relationships)
- Professional service 必须稳住不流失顾客,而gorilla 哪怕abuse顾客也不担心
- Complexity means harder to scale up
- Distribution services
- Resell products to increase mkt exposure
- 在tornado期间, value chain 需要这个
- Commoditized / low margin / differentiate on execution
- Transaction services
- recurrent subscription
- Phone / Fedex / Airline
- 作者对当时互联网科技股高度不确定 (uncharted water)
- Info services & entertainment programming
- no proprietary archi & low switching cost
- competitive advantage period (width) determined by popularity of brand
- Info service
- e.g. WSJ / CNN / bloomberg
- Some switching cost: habit/familiarity with tools, but not comparable with tech switching cost
- Computer Services
- 分类
- (a) global & enterprise, (b) campus/departmental/work group, (c) personal/consumer
- 当时随着Client/server架构兴起,这三个分类开始模糊了
- 分类
- Vertical market system (垂直领域)
- Chap 6 – Search of Hypergrowth Mkts
- 市场price-in 一个高科技tornado是需要时间的
- Tornado watch
- 有大量的False-positive product – which cannot cross the chasm
- Tornado发生iff新的价值链
- 价值链的组成
- Product Provider – tech + product + systems
- where gorilla is
- Service Provider
- Integrate multi product into system, sell it, onboard user
- Not gorilla, but key to gorilla game
- Integrate multi product into system, sell it, onboard user
- Customer
- in 2B – tech-buyer + find user + Econ buyer
- Econ buyer – boss who sees the ROI
- in 2C – mostly one-person
- or end user is child while econ buyer is parent
- in 2B – tech-buyer + find user + Econ buyer
- In Emerging Mkt, value chain 可能有瓶颈价值没有完全传导到顾客
- 尚未完全跨越鸿沟的科技市场,价值链一定有什么问题
- 投资者 – when will last remaining constraint be removed & by whom?
- Product Provider – tech + product + systems
- 价值链最后瓶颈的移除
- 例子 – 早期PC, 三个瓶颈(1980s)
- 1. 人们都在等IBM入场
- 2. 缺少killer app – 没有out of box价值
- 3. 大商场(Macys etc.)都在观望
- IBM是最后瓶颈,IBM一入场万物勃发
- 例子 – 互联网 – 比如email/chatroom, 限制条件 –
- 1. Proprietary Products (Msft etc.), 没有统一标准(每人多个email)
- 2. Product Fragmented – 销售渠道分散小市场,卖家(中间商)需要多个备货 – 不好
- 3. 线上支付未经测试 – 用户不敢买
- 互联网成为同时解决这三个瓶颈的关键
- 1. 互联网(http)称为标准
- 2. 线上商店
- 3. 内容免费+广告
- 网景IPO成神,browser + web server
- 微软承认网景gorilla
- 微软windows + 浏览器干掉网景
- When gorillas collide
- 例子 – 早期PC, 三个瓶颈(1980s)
- 阻止tornado的是复杂度
- 1. 顾客觉得难用 – 需要killer app
- 新的app越让顾客不陌生 – less discontinuous – 越好用
- 2. 制造复杂度 – hard to scale up consistently
- give up high-end features to be mass-produced
- 1. 顾客觉得难用 – 需要killer app
- New Tornado: continuity + discontinuity
- Continuity for customer experience
- Discontinuity at Suppliers Side (权力革命)
- 例子 – 亚马逊买书
- Chap 7 买卖大猩猩股票
- When
- Rule-1 Application software – buy in bowling valley
- App software less cut-throat, can have (differentiated) multiple winners – 因为有顾客数据/粘性且不同
- 买的最好时机是没有不跨越鸿沟的时机
- 三种潜在outcome
- 1. Bowling valley forever (CAD / Proj Mgmt / etc.) -> don’t hold
- 2. Mass Mkt (e.g. email / financial packages) -> follow the rules here
- 3. Super-category merge (word-processing / spreadsheets -> office automation)
- 是substitution threat 还是mkt expansion (主动 vs. 被动)
- Rule-2 Enabling tech soft/hardware -> more cut-throat
- 顾客只要App好用不在意下面的plumbing如何
- 可能大力开发结果无人用(huge R&D)
- 但enabling tech产生财富(变成大猩猩)的力量无人能及
- 买入时机很重要
- not “which” but “when” 以减少downside risk
- 在enabling tech中,在chimps股价受挫之前exit
- biggest downside risk是enabling tech不开始tornado – 所以避免pre-tornado play
- 对于software app公司,有一个vertical不买此软件比买此软件更有风险
- 有defensible客户关系是有high switching cost
- tornado开始信号 – trade magazine不再质疑新科技的readiness而是追寻emerging mkt leader
- Rule-1 Application software – buy in bowling valley
- What
- Rule-3 买什么
- 2-4个gorilla candidate – because hard to predict
- enabling tech有更多的power concentration – 有”宗教战争”
- 所以有更多的false-positive (显得PR上自己赢了)
- Partner port product to the infra (e.g. 在微软平台上写/port一个app)
- 避免false-positive – 只看”第二代product在infra”(第一代可能只是表面功夫)
- 与总统选举相似
- 在tornado中, significant upside & limited downside
- 哪怕是chimp, 在tornado中也难以股价下降
- Microprocessor例子
- 三个gorilla candidate (1983)
- Intel/Motorola/AMD
- 1985年PC跨越鸿沟
- 这是enabling tech, 最早可以1985年买
- 1985年第一波adoption是financial manager用spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3)之后更有word processor等浪潮
- 哪怕晚两年 (end of 1986) return依旧很大
- 三个gorilla candidate (1983)
- Local area network例子
- 中型公司需要局域网分享word/spreadsheet/打印 etc.
- Gorilla : Novell
- Rule-3 买什么
- Hold什么&Hold多久
- Gorilla – hold, 特别是能extend tornado的gorilla如msft
- Rule-4 hold gorilla stock long-term, sell only when substitution threat
- Chimps
- For application software – hold as long as they have potential for expansion (而不是被固化 / 坐以待毙)
- For enabling tech – do not hold
- Kings & Princes
- No Proprietary architecture to increase switching costs
- Advantage based on execution / econ of scale
- Prince can dethrone king, chimps cannot dethrone gorilla
- Gorilla game中proprietary control的战争可能要很久才能见分晓
- Rule 6 – hold kings & princes lightly, 更aggressive的卖, when stock stumble / hypergrowth减速
- Gorilla – hold, 特别是能extend tornado的gorilla如msft
- 何时卖
- Rule-7 如确定某股不是gorilla之后,立刻卖
- 大猩猩投资 – 先分散(多股)在确定gorilla之后,再集中(特别是enabling tech)
- 在application software中则是可以hold稍久一点
- 例子 – PeopleSoft是ERP的chimp但是是human resources的领头羊
- Rule-8 money taken out of non-gorilla stocks should immediately be reinvested in the remaining gorilla candidates
- Rule-9 在gorilla collision中静观其变直到结果确定
- e.g. Msft vs. Netscape
- 信息流的筛选
- 若非关于tornado则无视 – e.g. 利率下降etc.
- 若是tornado则避免陷入hype / false tornado
- 新的完整产业链
- niche mkt as indicator of tornado (先头阵地) – know everything about it
- “Killer app” as key indicator
- 由third party partner得知gorilla dynamics(谁可能是真的gorilla)
- Proprietary architectural control? Switching cost & barrier to entry? 有substitution threat吗?
- Rule-10: 无视与gorilla game无关的大部分信息流
- When
- Chap 8 – Oracle与relationship database的tornado
- 数据库之前 – 多个copy的value在disk, update时会dirty / inconsistent
- 一开始数据库慢成为OLTP的瓶颈, IBM用hierarchical DB解决速度问题但牺牲flexibility, in query/reporting
- OLTP要看reporting / query flexibility在有一些product出现后(这些product都要shallow copy of data, 每晚需要unload + transfer)
- Relational DB进入视野,一开始速度很慢无法正式商用但后来速度变快了
- Competed against other “4th gen languages” but oracle gained huge boost when standardized on IBM’s SQL language (created standard for industry)
- 巨头IBM对relational DB无兴趣
- Oracle focus on portability – 每一个平台都能用
- Informix focus on Unix市场
- Relational technology inc (Ingres)与oracle生态位相同每年增长50% – 而oracle年增长100%
- Corp America以oracle为标准使得ingres疲于应对
- 以Computerworld为company visibility的杂志例子 – oracle出境15-25次,领两公司2-5次
- Gorilla出境更多因为
- 更多third party relationship
- 更多customer story
- 更多业界总结会提到gorilla
- 更多的钱用于PR
- Gorilla出境更多因为
- 有非常远的substitution threat, object-oriented database是pre-chasm
- 1990 oracle第一次亏钱,股价-30%, 无substitution threat, 无强竞争对手,内部管理问题而非外部市场问题
- Client/Server computing (也是tornado), 1992
- 前置条件
- 1. windows图形client取代dos
- 2. unix占领server
- 3. unix带来tcp/ip标准化互联网协议
- 4. 1992年client/server plays开始出现
- 在这场风暴中投资什么
- client-side -> MSFT
- applications : PeopleSoft & Oracle
- Server hardware -> HP
- Relational DB : oracle
- 前置条件
- 此时一匹黑马sybase后来居上, relationalDB specific to client / server architecture , 增长率最快
- 同时informix占领unix市场很稳
- Sybase在computer world在1994年开始负面消息出现 – 与partner合作受阻
- Sybase缺乏orw level locking不能support transaction response time req. of very large installation (是这场比拼的关键指标)
- 而为什么application都用row-level locking, 因为gorilla Oracle的一个关键feature (技术标准的垄断,制造路径依赖)
- Oracle vs. Msft in DB
- Case总结 – 两场tornado,第一个是minicomputer,第二个是client-server computing, oracle赢了第一场,连打第二场
- 两场tornado之间的downturn在此是好的买入时机
- Chap 9 Cisco & Networking HW tornado
- Cisco在1990s经历四场tornado
- 1. Router
- 2. Intelligent Hubs
- 3. LAN switches
- 4. Remote Access Devices
- 历史 – email使得互联网需求急速增大(本来主要是局域网)
- From LAN to WAN and beyond
- Cisco五年内占市场盈利以15%到50%
- 历史 – 一开始stanford business school和engineer school不能互发email, 发明router
- Scale up Internet的历史背景
- 虽然computer用unix + TCP/IP但有interoperability issue是maintainence nightmare
- Cisco解决此问题,早期不需强力营销,顾客tech enthusiast /visionary, 顾客反过来找cisco
- Boeing是Cisco第一个企业大客户
- Cisco开始有好的word of mouth并有好的可support demand corp client的声誉
- Pragmatist看中这个
- Cisco开始有好的word of mouth并有好的可support demand corp client的声誉
- Cisco 1990年上市,MktCap三亿美金,七年之后100x
- 1990年三月, Cisco Router市场份额85%
- 作者认为市场份额悬殊往往有prop archi control with high switching cost
- Cisco Router只能与Cisco Router talk不能与别的talk
- Paul Johnson认为YoY增长100%且QoQ加速则tornado开始了,而且加速说明其不是短期的昙花一现
- Gorilla Game频率是quarterly report
- 临近市场 – Intelligent systems
- 网络topology问题
- Intelligent Hub使网络全连接提高网络系统稳定性
- Synoptics是pioneer
- Router与Intelligent Hub是共同增长的关系
- Intelligent Hub市场参与者份额相似,更像royalty game – Hub的interface是ethernet protocol, not by device maker (interoperability)
- 因为公司往往先选Hub再选Router, 所以Cisco与Hub厂家建立关系某种意义上捆绑销售
- 第三个tornado – LAN switch
- Driving Force – 需要更多的带宽且现有设备不行
- high volume traffic – 点对点通信,故名为switch (phone switch)
- 市场发现把Hub去掉switch的能力更强
- 从共存关系到取而代之 – 一开始有一定的switching cost
- Cisco在Sept/1993买下LAN switch的crescendo communications入场(不是最大的但是是桥头堡),在tornado开始时,cisco是唯一次行业的上市公司
- Cisco十倍revenue买入(贵)
- 用自己的高股价作为并购筹码是Cisco开始用的
- Cisco再次收购有40%的市场份额(King not gorilla)
- 第四个tornado – remote access devices
- modem 久而有之, 有standard所以一直是royalty game not gorilla game
- 但1997转变成了gorilla game
- 痛点 – 每个能用modem上网的公司有一个大房间都是互联的线 – 大概是要联各公司的modem
- 变革 – remote access concentrator
- Simplified network mgmt
- 此市场royalty game, 没有prop archi control
- Tornado之前即可能是大猩猩游戏亦可是royalty game, 是市场参与者决定(基于自身利益)到底是否是proprietary play
- modem 久而有之, 有standard所以一直是royalty game not gorilla game
- Cisco在1990s经历四场tornado
- Chap 10 CRM software
- Application Software Gorillas less fearsome
- 五波计算机浪潮
- 第一波 – mainframe – 大公司的accounting & finance 的automation为主,后扩散至order entry, manufacture etc.
- 第二波 – minicomputer – word processing – mainframe app的小型化
- 第三波 – PC – application标准化/普及化
- 第四波 – client-server computing
- monolithic -> building blocks
- 第五波 – internet architecture
- PC + browser
- 新architecture出现,往往最初surge是新体系下跑旧App
- 不是自上而下的产生任务,而是自下而上的市场vendor涌现
- SAP : ERP (enterprise resource planning) 领域的gorilla
- Enterprise app可分为back-office / front-office/supply chain
- Back office: finance, HR
- Peoplesoft是从小市场打入大市场
- Front office
- 软件公司的customer support有巨大的需求
- 1997时三个gorilla candidate 平分天下
- Vantive / Scopus / Clarify
- Sales Force Automation与Customer Support System开始重合
- Sales Force Automation
- 两种类型
- 1. Field sales focus on consultative sale (big ticket)
- 2. Call Center Force
- 第一代sales force automation主要是field sales
- 不理想结果 – 原因 – 技术不成熟,许多成功销售员抵制structured process
- 一些Pivot制药厂sales的SFA公司,专注一个特定的sales cycle, 做的不错.
- Huge amount of technical info on laptop during sales call 是一个加分项
- 因为供应链的just in time 方法兴起 & 公司有时在tornado内需要sales 更好的精准预测需求.
- Telesales – 化customer service call为sales call (cross-sell & upsell)
- 两种类型
- Back office: finance, HR
- Chap 11 – Tools & Processes
- 六部方法论 – SHARES
- Scan->Hypothesize->Analyze->Respond->Evaluate->Strengthen
- Scan – 将事实分为三类
- Confirmation / Exception / Irrelevant
- 最有价值的是exception , 新的事实/观点从此创造(being wrong & learn)
- Confirmation 价值不大 – being right again vs. being right first time
- Build investment system
- Being wrong in conventional wisdom / self error (discovery + fix)
- 比herd更快
- Irrelevancy 对gorilla investor一大堆
- Gorilla game investor 无视小的垂直领域才能用的产品,也无视service provider – 也无视well established product in main street (e.g. printer)
- Only focus on at/nearing hypergrowth
- Hypothesizing
- Onset of tornados
- Where, what product category
- Constant influx of new tornados with high false-positive rate, the task is to narrow down
- Tornado建模过程 – 通过value chain预想有哪些product category, 新的category处于真空更易于新的gorilla 崛起.
- 对value chain质疑 – 其要解决哪些问题才能Likely
- 需要narrow down to a product category, 并有plausible value chain at each link
- Onset of tornados
- Analyzing – 三问 – within the value chain
- 1. What product category, might support prop architecture with high switching costs.
- 2. 哪些公司 in that category
- 3. Hierarchy forming yet
- Value chain 默认是royalty 因为公司都防止别人变成gorilla
- 往往一开始gorilla vs. royalty game是未定的,只能gorilla game是否有可能产生
- 信息源 – 网站查询,IPO为机会了解
- IPO – 很多时候这些公司的市场还未tornado
- Responding
- 行动起来 – 买股票
- 每股每年买四次,之基于Q-earning, 避免情绪化
- 以MktShare和diversification决定此市场的portfolio权重
- Evaluating
- 每年四个decision, slow game, don’t micro-manage
- Ongoing eval for 以下指标/问题
- A. 是否依旧mkt hypergrowth – Q/Q or Y/Y growth
- B. Shifts in Power? (Mkt Share / Earning / Growth)
- C. Total Mkt Cap of Category
- Strengthening
- Diversity into multiple hypergrowth + concentrate into gorilla
- 对于enabling tech, selling chimp是time-sensitive的
- 六部方法论 – SHARES
- Chap 12 – 互联网
- 当时互联网泡沫,作者认为行业估值会升高,但个股估值过高(overpriced), 因为Supply/demand 没有足够的股票种类来满足市场需求
- Option model – 比如Yahoo过几个月换一个商业模式,有Yahoo股票是有一个option, 这种商业模式的option有一定溢价
- 在tornado下的科技股通过network effect强者越强,gorilla 估值极高而chimp / monkey极低.
- 当时internet是gorilla还是king是不清晰的
- 几种商业模式
- Exchange型 – priceline 旅行中间商
- 品牌
- portal (门户网站)